Children shouldnt play with Monsters

26 3 1

Veronica and Ethan were frozen in their tracks. The women before us has been slaughtered, brain liquified.

We were too late

I walked over to the women, checking for the visible mark of a wraith attack.
Noticing the puncture wound behind the ear. I looked over and Nodded at my dad.

I glanced to my right, hearing rusting in the bushes near by. Looking at the ground, I notice footprints impressed into the forest floor.

I grab my knife out of my Waste band, firmly clutching the handle.

I take a few steps forward, pushing branches and bushes out of the way to clear my view.
The hairs on my arms raise, I feel like something is breathing down my neck.

Quickly I spin around, realizing a female figure is standing right behind me. I slash my knife at her, before she grabs my wrist and stops me.

"What the hell are you doing kid?!" The women hollars.

I realize she's in uniform

Damn it's the cop from earlier
I think to myself

She turns around, her eyes widen at the group.

"FBI? What are you doing bringing kids out here? Are you even real Agents?"

She placed her hands on her head, running her hand over her face. Stopping to collect her thoughts.

Her hand unbuckled a latch and gripped her holster.

My hands went up , and the others copied my actions.

"Look ma'm your after something beyond your control... that gun is useless." Sam steadily explained.

"What are you talkin' about boy?" Her country toned accent thick in her speech.

"I'll be honest with you, we hunt monsters" Dean interrupted.

"Yeah sure.." she replied sarcastically

Seconds after she spoke those words, a rustling snuck upon them.

A woman stepped out of the brush, licking the blood off of a spike protruding from her arm.

"Hmm, did you hunters come for lunch?" She chuckled , the spike disappearing into her wrist.

Her eyes adjusted on Sam and Dean.

"The Winchester's! I've heard of you boys, guess I better get going then. Or-"
She paused

"I can have to meals !" She said in a sadistic tone of voice.

She lunges toward us, the officer shot her with a handgun.
The woman paused , but just began to laugh.

"Ouch. That's stings." She said blandly , before lunging at the officer. Knocking her to the ground. Attempting to impale her head with the spike.

I ran , jumping up and slashing the wraiths arm. Her skin bubbled. As she hissed in pain.

"That was a mistake" the wraith smiled eerily , it pounced back onto me once again attempting to make the kill.

I reached for my blade which I had dropped, my finger tips barely touching the handle.

I looked back at the monster, before swiftly throwing a hard punch.

The wraith reeled, enabling me to launch myself toward the knife. Grasping it tight.

I lunged toward the wraith, but then Ethan jumped in-front of me.
Slashing at the woman, then cutting the spike off her arm.

She screamed in pain, her skin looked as if it were boiling around the wound.

She jumped at Ethan in a fit of rage, throwing punches and clawing.

Then Sam ran behind her, stabbing her in the back. She froze, her inevitable demise taking over her body.

Before she collapsed.

I wiped my face, dirt littered across my cheeks and blood on my hands.

The police officer was backed up against a tree, she just witnessed what in her book would be classified as a homicide.

I looked at Ethan, his bravery in this moment surprised me. He didn't hesitate, he just jumped straight into the death grip of a monster.

and for what, to help me?

Veronica went and sat over by another tree, breathing heavily. Ethan followed her over , wiping his hands on his now dirtied shirt.

I walked over to the officer, running my hand through my hair.

"Are you alright?" I spoke softly

"No. I am not alright" she said with a bit of venom in her tone.

"Who the hell are you guys?"
She spat, dusting off her navy blue button up.

"We are hunters, we hunt and kill monsters. Like that one over there" I pointed to my left at the corpse of the wraith on the ground.

"So monsters are real...your telling me all those horror stories are real!"

She started to panic

"Yes ma'm at least most of it, angels , demons..wraiths like this one here. Some are fake though, like Bigfoot er Santa Claus." I chuckled slightly at the last bit.

Her breathing steadied.

"Alright..fine. How can I help"
She said in a determined voice.

"You are taking this unusually well" Sam said in reply

"Adapt and accept, that's my motto. This is insane compared to most of what I deal with, but rather then freaking out. I'll just Deal."
She explained.

"alright then, what's your name officer?" Dean inquired

"Jane Stilton" 

"Alright Officer-Stilton. We need to get rid of the body. Can't have the general public learning about monsters can we? " Dean persuaded her with his words
She nodded.

The officer turned around, walking NV a few paces into the woods, before leaning down and grabbing an object.

2 shovels

"Well then let's get digging" she commanded

Sam and dean grabbed the shovels, and began to dig a grave.
After they dug one deep enough, they placed the body into the hole.

Then littered it with salt and oil, before setting a match to the flame.

"If you boys need anything , call me. Now that I know what you do, I assume you'll need law enforcement assistance when you are in the area. Consider me a- new recruit."
She smiled, handing Sam a business card.

We both walked back to our respective vehicles after waving goodbye.
The chirping of crickets filled the air .

We loaded into the impala, the key clicked and the engine roared.

Before we breezed through the woodsy roads and back to the motel.


Things get interesting in the next chapter! Make sure to vote on each chapter so the story gets noticed!

Weekly updates when I'm able, a few more chapters in the works.

Look forward to some interesting character development coming soon...


~White Chapel~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang