"Somethings not right"

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                    ~Cassidy's POV~
My heart skipped a beat as I walked through those mall doors.
The brisk air from the vents above blew across my face, making my hair wave for a moment.
I stuck my hand in my pocket , grasping the wooden handle of my pocket knife.

"Wow, looks like a tropical storm.Lets just hang here until this blows over"
explained, clearly not bummed out about being trapped in a mall full of things to buy.

The pitter-patter of the rain echoed across the mall when coming into contact with the glass roof.
All I could think of was the overwhelming feeling of dread in my chest. Something didn't feel right.

It ran across my mind that this storm and that feeling that I have,could be omens. Something just isn't right about this situation.

I've been hunting since my 8th grade year, I learned it from my uncle rick. He taught me, but we never told my mother or anyone else. He taught me to look for signs like these, a hunter always keeps their guard up. Ever since his life was taken on a leviathan hunt. I swore to fulfill his duty and my own as a hunter.

The lights in the mall flickered, the rough winds of the storm damaging
power lines and cutting off electricity in a majority of nearby buildings.

Veronica let out a playful shriek, then started to laugh when a loud crash of thunder frightened her a bit.

After a while my senses started to calm, yet there was still a lingering feeling of something being wrong.

7:06 pm

We decided to call it a night, and find a ride home. I called my mom, yet got no answer. Veronica ended up getting her grandmother to pick us up.

We waited by the mall doors, rain drops falling gracefully down the glass.
A blue caravan pulled up out front, Ronnie and I looked at each other before bolting out of the doorway and into the car.
Although, our efforts weren't worth much. We were still practically drenched by rain when we got into the car.
I tapped my feet on my skateboard, which sat on the rain soaked car mats.
"What did you girls get?" Mrs.Windsor asked us
"I got some flannels, a cool wallet, and some neat earbuds. Plus lunch at Fred's Fries." I responded with a bit of pep in my voice. I was quite happy with what I got from our little excursion to the mall.
"I got a leather jacket, 2 pairs of blue jeans, some canvas sneakers, and lunch at Fred's as-well" Veronica chimed in cheerily.
After a bit of chatting I pulled out my iPod touch and plugged in my new earbuds. They were black with the captain American symbol on the center of each bud.

I clicked on my classic rock playlist , and zoned out to "dust in the wind" and other songs, for the remainder of the 20 minute ride.
Eventually we arrived at my ranch home, stocked with daisies and roses in the garden. Accompanied by a young willow tree to the right of the front yard.

I unplugged my earbuds and powered off my iPod. Opening the car door I grabbed my things and stepped out of the van.
"Bye Ronnie! Thank you for the ride mrs.windsor" I waved my hand and began to close the door.
"See ya Cass, can I call you later to revise for mr.reinharts English exam?"
Veronica asked as she glanced at the stack of papers beside her.

"Yeah sure thing. See you tomorrow"
I waved and closed the door.
With a skip in my step I walked up to my front door of my house,fiddling with my keys before finally unlocking the door.

The maroon door opens finally, I leave my skateboard propped up on the front porch and drop my bags off beneath the stairs inside.

"mom? You here?" I holler
No answer

Not even a minute later, I hear a muffled scream shouting my name. I yank my knife out of my pocket and start moving towards the sound.

"MOM? IS THAT YOU?" I shout, my heart begins racing and my eyes dart in every direction.

I notice that the muffled voice is starting to become quieter, and is sourced from the basement.

I quickly and carefully speed to the cellar stairs, running down to the recognizable voice.
For a moment I freeze, my breath halters as I see my mother lying bloody on the cellar floor. She looks at me with pleading and sorrowful eyes. Her Ginger hair spread across the floor beneath her head.

I run to her, and grab her hand. Tears streaming down my face as I begin to cry hysterically.
My mother wraps her hand around mine.
"Shh, Cassidy it's ok. You need to go, run as far as you can. Please Cas. Take this number and call him. It's your father. He can help..you-"
She let out her last breath
I cried harder then I ever had before.
"Mom...? No no no,Not now not ever, please mom..."
In the midst of my tears I remember what she said. I'm in danger, and apparently my father isn't dead after all.

I grab my cellphone out of the back pocket of my now bloodstained jeans.
Quickly I dial 911.
"911 what's your emergency?"
"My mother s-she's been killed. P-please-help." I stuttered out,my mind running a mile a minute.
I feel a presence of something dark. I'm not alone.
I drop the phone and bolt up-stairs.

"Hello? Sweetie are you there, we are sending officers and an ambulance"
The operator spoke, only to receive silence on my end.

I run for the door, sharply turning every corner of the house.
As soon as I Un-hitch the latch I'm out.
Grabbing my skateboard And my book bag,I take off down the sidewalk.

Tears stream from my eyes as the wind whips them away. The storm is still going. I go to the only place I see as safe right now.

Ethan's house. This will not be fun to explain.
After about 15 minutes of non-stop running, I'm finally there.
I run up into the concrete porch and anxiously knock on the door.

It sounds like there are multiple people in the room, or maybe it's just the TV.

He answers, and his eyes widen at the state that I'm in.
"Cass wh-"
I cut him off
"E-Ethan I need your help..my mom she-"
Before I finished my sentence everything went to black. I collapsed.

Hello! Thanks for reading the 2nd chapter! Please let me know what you think so far by voting and commenting.
This book is based on supernatural, so for those who are fans of the show you will see familiar characters! Wanna make a guess as to who?

Next chapter is in the works!


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