Chapter 6

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(Edited 4/15/2022)

Hook POV

My plan was working absolutely perfect, I couldn't have planned it better even if I tried. I had a prince and one of the Wendy girls as bait for little Peter Pan.

" Put the children on the rocks " I say as I walk up up to the top to ready my gun for that little brat.

I aim it to prepare for the perfect shot.

"Come on fly to the rescue and I'll shoot you right through your noble intentions " I say with a smile.

I look over at my men and I look and see the both of them putting the kids on the rocks and as the girl is yelling and kicking at them, wow she's a fiery one.

" I said don't touch me " she says kicking at Mr. Smee, it's actually hilarious.

" Now now, miss, we're just following orders " he says still trying to get her on the rocks.

" Smee will you hurry up " I say getting impatient.

Star POV

Gabby and I were waiting on Peter's signal and in all honesty I was getting nervous and plus it was thundering and lightening, what else could go wrong, right ?

I later hear somebody walking behind us.

" Gabby, I think somebody's coming " I say grabbing her by her arms.

We hide behind these big rocks.

" Do you see anything " I ask her.

" Yeah, it's Hook " she says whispering and trying to backup but the sword clangs against one of the rocks.

I can tell he heard it when he stops and locks his gun and gets ready for the shot but luckily it gets dark where we were and he couldn't see us. He goes back inside the castle and we both breath out a sigh of relief.

" That was so close " I say standing up.

" Yeah I know, he would've shot us " she says standing up as well.

Next thing you know we here Mr. Smee screaming causing us both to laugh.

" I guess that's the signal " I say.

" I guess so, come on " Gabby says flying.

Peter POV

I was hiding on the inside of one of the statues in the castle and did my impersonation of Hook.

" Mr. Smee " and he lets out this hilarious scream.

" Who are you stranger " Hook asks.

" I am James Hook, captain of the jolly roger " I reply.

" If you are hook, then who am I " he asks.

" You are a codfish " I say while chuckling.

We continue this little game until he mentions the word " man ".

" No " I say.

" Boy " he says.

" Yes " I reply.

" Ordinary boy " he says.

" No " I say.

" Wonderful boy " he says.

" Yes " I say proudly.

I lean up and say " Do you give up " I ask.

" Yes " Mr. Smee says.

" I am- " I say.

" History " Hook says quietly.

" Peter he's behind you " I hear Star say and I turn around and see him point a gun at me but I manage to fly out up in time.

" It is your mass boy " he says and I yell out while gathering my sword.

" Ready to lose the other one " I say.

" Not this time " he says.

Let the battle begin.

Serena POV

Peter managed to trick Smee to let me and Blue Sky go and we manage to avoid Hook at all cost. Even though it's scary, it's still pretty cool to experience this. We hear a gunshot and we look up to see Peter and Hook engaged in a brawl.

" Serena " I hear Star call my name while running towards me.

" Who's this " she asks.

" This is Prince Blue Sky " I say smiling like a big idiot.

" Well then, why don't we try to get out of here " she says as we try to make the gate open.

" Come on, keep trying " I yell out as we struggle to open this gate and we look to see one of the pirates coming towards us with a sword.

He missed me but he ended up cutting Blue Sky on his arm and he kicked him in his groin and punched him in the face causing him to fall in the water.

Wow, that was sexy, I don't know what came over me, I grabbed his face and kissed him.

" Oh, wow " I heard Star say as I pulled away from him.

I noticed he starting smiling hard and turned around and pushed the wheel to open the gate with no problem.

Me and Star had the same shocked expression on our faces, wow.

I guess I have some powerful lips.

Peter POV

" If I were you, I'd give up " he says while I trying to hit me with the sword.

" If you were me " I turn around " I'd be ugly ".

We battle for a few more seconds until he uses his hook to trap my sword and he had an upper advantage on me. I tried to fly away but he grabbed me.

" No ! Are you ready " he says while looking at the cannon.

" Fire " he says while tossing me causing me to drop my sword, the net catches me as I fall in to the water.

I used my dagger to cut it so I can escape when I looked up I saw Hook standing above me with a smirk.

He again has the upper hand on me and throws me to the ground against the rocks and uses his hook to give me a small cut on my chest despite my efforts to stop him.

" And now Peter Pan, you shall die " he says.

" To die will be an awfully big adventure " I say with a smile, luckily the crocodile that ate his hand was also still alive.

" Oh no " he says and looks back.

" Shoot it " but his crew just runs away, big surprise.

He looks back for me but I was already on the boat and wave goodbye with a smile as we all escape.

Oh, the cleverness of me.

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