Chapter 2

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(Edited 4/15/2022)

Peter POV

Tink and I were flying around in Neverland trying to find a new adventure to have. Things haven't really been the same since Wendy and her brothers all left.

I traveled back for her only to realize she really grew up and things haven't been the same for me since then.

I haven't visited Earth since seeing Wendy so I decided to go back and when I came back, I noticed this house and fly towards it.

I looked in the window and see a girl looking out the window, I hide not wanting to be seen and I hear her talking to another girl.

" How about we do something tomorrow to get your mind off this mess " I hear one girl say.

" I guess that'll be okay " another one says.

I wait for a little bit and I hear her voice again.

" Wow maybe there is a such thing as a lucky star " she says.

That's when I looked up I realize she's talking about my star.

I look in the window and see that she's in the bed.

Wow, she's really beautiful, I think to myself.

Tink comes near my ear and says we have to go. I know she's only saying that because she doesn't want me to have another " Wendy ".

" OK, let's go " I turn and fly away but I'm going to find out more about her weather Tink likes it or not.

Gabby POV

Serena decides to plan us all a mall date to get my mind off the BS with our mom and grandma. Star invites her boyfriend Derek with us, which I don't mind, me and him have a strong brother and sister relationship and plus I have a crush on somebody else.

" Oh my god, Gabby look who it is " Star says while pulling on my arm and I look and there he is.

Troy Harris, the most beautiful creation god ever created.

I've had a crush on him since 3rd grade but he never looked twice in my direction and plus there are so many girls who wants him so you know how that's gonna work out for me.

" Yeah, lets go this way " I say trying to turn around but Star pulls me back.

" Why won't you just talk to him " Star says.

" Guys like him don't associate with girls like me " I say.

" And what's wrong with girls like you " Derek asks with a shocked expression.

" Girls, who look and act like one of you guys " I say as I point at him while glancing in Troy's direction.

" Gabby, you're fine the way you are " Serena says.

" Thanks " I say looking down and I hear my name being called and look and it's Troy and his friends are walking in my direction, oh my god.

" Just wanted to tell you congratulations on your guys's victory " he says standing in front of me with his hands in his pockets.

" Um, thanks Troy " I say nervously and my heart is about to beat out of my chest.

" No, problem. I'm having a party at my house next weekend and if you guys wanna come you're more than welcome " he says.

" You serious " Serena asks with wide eyes.

" Yeah, why wouldn't I be " he asks with raised eyebrows.

" Just making sure " Serena says.

" If we can make it, we'll definitely come over " Star says for me since I'm frozen.

" Cool, see ya " he says and walks away with his crew.

" Ya'll did he just invite us to his party " I say in shock.

" Yep feel free to move at anytime " Derek says with sarcasm.

" Let's head back to our house before Gabby passes out " Serena says while laughing

Later on that day

We arrive back at our house, except for Derek since he had to watch his little brother and when I walked in I see our grandmother and talking again, not again.

" Gabby just the person I wanted to see " my mother says.

" And why is that " I asked nervously.

" Today is the day you become more ladylike " she says proudly with make up in her hand.

I think she's lost her mind.

" Um, Gabby what's going on " Star asks while walking in the house.

" Oh look Star is here as well, this couldn't get better " my grandmother says.

" What in the world is she talking about " Star asks me.

" Nothing, um Dad help " I yell out and my dad comes from outside.

" Judith what the hell are you doing " he asks angrily.

" She's making her look like an actual person " my grandmother says while trying to brush my hair even though it's already brushed.

" She needs to be more ladylike if she ever wants a guy to look in here direction "she says.

That's it, I can't take this anymore. I push her hands off my head and ran up the stairs to my room.

" Gabby, come back here " my mom yells out.

" Gabby wait " I hear Star yells out and Serena follows behind her up the stairs.

I sit on my bed with fresh tears running down my face. Why can't they expect me for who I am not for what I look like ?

" Gabby, it'll be okay " Star says wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

" It's not gonna be okay, I'm so sick of this " I say whipping my tears.

" I don't know what's up with mom trying to change us because of what our grandmother thinks " Serena says with annoyance in her voice.

" I don't know either but Star do you think your parents would mind if you spent the night here " I ask Star.

" I don't think so but i'll ask them and let you know " she says while standing up.

" I'll text you " she says walking out the door.

I'm so sick of this.

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* Star above * 🖤 minus the tattoos

Much love ❤️

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