Time has flown by since arriving in Milan. I didn't waste any time exploring the town with my girls and by myself. The first 3 days, Bambina and Juliana took me to all the spots I missed when I was in hiding. They took me to the beaches, pubs that all the high school kids would hang out, the movies, and of course the mall to spend all of our money. There was no more leaning on Dominic for money since I left all his credit cards back at the house so my next conquest was to get a job. Luckily by the end of the week, I managed to get a receptionist job at a real estate firm for luxurious estates.

The transition from no freedom to freedom has been a thrill. The regret and anger I've carried inside have begun to wash away and it's only been a week. I can only imagine how amazing I would feel in a month's time.

Mama smiled at blew me a kiss as I walked into the kitchen. As usual, Roberto was still asleep in his room so I was having breakfast alone with Mama again.

"You look nice today, are you going to work?" Mama asked as she handed me a plate of food.

"Yes, I start my job today. I'm really excited." I glanced down at my outfit to make sure I was dressed okay. I wanted to look like the other women a the office so I wore a black pencil knee-length skirt with a small slit at the back, a pink fitted sleeveless chiffon halter neck collar blouse, and small black open toe heels.

"Are you nervous about anything?"

"No, I'm just really excited to start. After work, I'm going straight to the country house."

"Tesoro, do you really want to move out so soon?"

"I need too. Even though you don't want to admit it, papa is avoiding me. He hasn't called once and he's called you and Roberto like 5 times since he's been away. I know he's still weird with me since our last conversation and hasn't approved about my decision to be with Dominic. I don't want anyone to be weird. I need to feel comfortable so if that means leaving then so be it."

"He really is away on business Alessandra."

"That's fine. He has time to call you, he should make time to call me."

The conversation ended at that. Once I finished eating my breakfast I headed out the door. Driving was a different experience I had to master within the first week I was here. I had my license but never got a chance to actually drive a car. After a few dents and two trips to the mechanic, I got driving down as one of my better skills.

Being excited for my first day of work, I arrived 20 minutes early to my shift. I wanted time to learn the computer and how to use the phones before I actually started. The owner of the real estate Mr. Gabbana was waiting at the reception desk upon my arrival. Mr. Domeninco Gabbana is on the younger side with a few grey hairs poking through his luscious curly locks and faint crows creasing on the side of his eyes. Other than that, he screamed youthfulness and beauty. From his flawless olive skin to his straight shiny pearly whites and full dark bushy beard. He is handsome and for a man in his early 30s, he's quite successful and incredibly friendly.

"Ah, Alessandra! Early and prepared. That's what I like to see! Come, let me show you around the office." Mr. Gabbana announced. The one-level modern real estate office is more luxurious than most places in Milan. The office is built as a large square. The entire office is surrounded by windows to give it a modern concept with open lighting. There was brick walling surrounded the other walls of the office. There were 4 private offices for the senior realtors in the firm and the large office at the far back across from the lunchroom. There were cubicles in another corner of the office for the junior and newbie realtors.

Finding my way around the office shouldn't be too hard. We walked back to my desk by the front doors. My job is to answer the phones, make appointments, schedule any open houses or private appointments, and redirect clients to the right realtor. Mr. Gabbana got me set up with the computer and handed me a small binder booklet with all the common questions that will be asked, the extensions of everyone who works here and the procedures to schedules and other things.

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