Tea - Aziraphale

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It was a sad looking Sunday evening in London, rain pouring, clouds billowing and the first rolling grumbles of thunder  began to seep through as you pulled open the door to Aziraphale's bookshop. You smiled inwardly as your chest warmed through after shutting the door. Candles flickered through the crisp darkness as no artificial light was turned on in the whole place. It was funny... you didn't think he wanted candles. after what happened last time... The place was obviously closed to the public but Aziraphale always loved your visits and hence kept the door unlocked if you happened to be passing, by chance.

"Hello?..." you called out through the fuzzy half-darkness as you folded your umbrella shut and placed it on the shabby doormat. "Aziraphale, are you in?". 

There was a sudden noise of quiet shuffling and than a muffled bang which you presumed to be books hitting the ground somewhere and you giggled to yourself, relieved as he poked his blushing face round from the back room of the shop.

"(y/n) my dear! How lovely it is to see you, I must say." he approached you with his adorable little prim-and-proper walk he always did before assisting you with your heavy coat. "you must be freezing (y/n)! Can I make you some tea?". His smiling eyes warmed you further as you nodded. This response seemed to delight him, and soon enough, you were both in his living-area discussing the various options that were available to you...

"well... I have Green, Black, Jasmine, Oolong, Chamomile, Nettle, Raspberry, English Breakfast, Dandelion, Earl grey-"

"woah there!" you cut him off before his enthusiasm could fully peak "How many different kinds of tea do you HAVE?" you chuckled as his cheeks went ever-so-slightly pink before answering:

"23... BUT I've been collecting for an awfully long time you see" there was a tone of genuine pride in his voice as he said this. for some reason, it made you inexplicably happy.

"I think i'll go with the Earl Grey... with a bit of honey if that is acceptable" you grinned cheekily as he nodded. "I'll get the teapot shall I?" you asked, standing on your tiptoes trying to reach the porcelain vessel which had been placed at such a height where you couldn't quite reach it. Aziraphale noticed your struggle and practically leapt to action:

"Oh, please, my dear, allow me" He stood by your side and reached up, missing the teapot entirely. Instead, he had inadvertently grasped your hand.

You froze.

He froze.

Neither of you seemed to notice as the teapot fell from the shelf and shattered into a million floral shards on the floor.

Nothing at all was said through your ten seconds of dreamy eye contact. He looked like a bunny in the headlights of a car. unsure of what to do next but still hadn't released his delicate grip of your hand. His hands were so soft and warm; heavenly to the touch... This was your chance. The chance you had been waiting for, for weeks... Slowly, you closed your eyes, leaning your face closer and closer towards his. His eyelids fluttered shut also and before either of you expected, your lips met. Even though your eyes were closed, you could feel him smiling and his hands had left yours taking their place, instead on the base of your spine while you had nestled yours in his snowy alabaster hair.

As you finally parted, you bit your lip, staring into his still-closed eyes, awaiting a response.

"now..." he whispered as his eyes opened slowly, "where were we?..."

"tea?" you whispered, smirking at the angel's glowing face. He had illuminated the whole bloody room. 

"Ah yes..." he murmured, mindlessly, his thoughts still lingering on your rosy lips. "you know... I've been wanting to do that for a while... only i'm not very good with signals, funny, I know, being an angel and all, but i rea-"

You silenced him again, bringing your lips against his once more. More passionately this time, pulling on the collar of his jacket for five seconds of ecstasy. When you parted, angel was smiling. You smiled too. 

"Thank you (y/n)..." Aziraphale blushed as he performed a miracle of the poor Moorcroft teapot that has given its life for you moments before. 

knowing that you, also, wanted to be more than friends made him bubble with passion and excitement,  but somehow, he managed to keep his cool. He just twinkled and said...

"Earl Grey was it?"

Good omens x reader imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें