Chapter 9 (edited)

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Hello readers and welcome to the final chapter of Arch 1. So let start reading~

~ Arc 1 ~

Samuru was in the kitchen; cooking for dinner when he heard the doorbell. He open the front door to see Kamon with Novu, Basara, Bakuga and Jenta. They were holding their bag and smirking happily.

Samuru: *sigh* Come in.

All of them went in and settle down in the living room while Samuru bring drinks and snacks.

Samuru: I though it suppose to be a quick meeting. Not a sleep over

Jenta: We can have more time to discuss if we staying the night.

Samuru: And why my house?

Kamon: Because your house is the biggest

Basara: and you lose the bet fair and square *smirk*

Bakuga: *notice the drinks and snack* *take a cookie* Thanks for the food. *eat the cookie*

Samuru just sigh before going back to the kitchen to finish cooking dinner. The other were enjoying watching the Tv when the house phone ringing.

Novu: Samuru! The phone is ringing.

Samuru went back to the living room to answer the call.

Samuru: Hello?

Gennosuke: Samuru is me.

Samuru: Father. What is it?

Gennosuke: I am sorry Samuru but I won't coming home tonight. Something urgent happen.

Samuru: I see. So when you will coming home.

Gennosuke: At best, earlier in the morning.

Samuru: Okay

Gennosuke: Since tomorrow is Sunday, you can sleep in late but make sure to activate the security system.

Samuru: I will

Gennosuke: Good. I see you tomorrow.

Samuru: Okay, Good night father.

Gennosuke: Good night.

Novu notice Samuru just finish talking to the phone. He then saw Samuru walk to selves beside the sofa; he open a compartment and push a button. Suddenly he and the other heard a noise before the noise disappear.

Novu: *look at Samuru* What did you just do?

Samuru: Activate the security system. My father always instruct me to activate it every time he is not coming home.

Jenta: Gennosuke-san won't coming back?

Samuru: No. He has something to do and will back tomorrow.

Kamon: How about you join us Samuru? The shows is funny.

Samuru: Just a minute. I need to finish cooking dinner. You guys want to join?

Kamon: Sure. *stand up with the other following him* I starting to get hungry,

Samuru just shake his head in amusement as he lead his friend to the kitchen.

~ 0 ~

Gennosuke just end his call with Kakerui watch from behind. Kakerui just finish changing his clothes for tonight ceremony. He is now wearing a dark blue kimono with a light blue obi and white socks.

Kakerui: Just finish talking?

Gennosuke: *put his phone back* Yeah. So? What news you want to tell me?

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