Chapter 2 (edited)

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Hello everyone and welcome to the second chapter of the story~

So what the wait? Let start the reading ~

~ Arc 1~

The school bell sound and students start to packing up their stuff. Kamon and the other just walking out the school when they saw Riki walking the opposite way of his house.

Kamon: *look at Sumi* Isn't Riki's house that way? *point at the opposite direction*

Sumi: Yeah.

Kamon: Why did he go that way?

Sumi: *shrugged* Don't know. Maybe he have stuff to do. Riki is a busy person.

Bakuga: She is right. He maybe have some things to do.

Kamon: Okay.

Deep down, Kamon has a bad feeling about it. He feel unsure about something but he isn't sure what.

~ 0 ~

Riki walk away from school and head towards a wealthy part of the city. He walks for a few minutes before arriving in front of a huge gate. Outside the gate, a male wearing a black Yukata is already waiting for him.

Male: Good Afternoon, Young Master Kakeru. The Master is waiting.

Riki nodded and follow the male inside the estate. The estate is large with lot of houses. He led Riki to the biggest house in the estate that is a traditional mansion. They went inside the mansion and walk toward the waiting room.

Male: Please wait here. The Master will come in a minute.

Riki nodded in acknowledgement before the male excuse himself. A few minutes, after a maid come to serve him some tea, the slide door open and an old man enter. The old man has black hair and midnight blue eyes. He tied his hair into a low ponytail and hung it at his shoulder. He was wearing a dark blue kimono and white socks.

Riki: *stand up* *bow* Good Afternoon, Master Nishio

Nishio: Good Afternoon, Kakeru. Please have a seat.

Riki sit back as Nishio take his seat in front of him. The maid come and serve Nishio his tea.

Nishio: Thank you for coming Riki during your busy schedule.

Riki: Is okay Grandpa Nishio. So why you message me? Is sound urgent.

Nishio: Actually....

~ 0 ~

Samuru just finish another day at school and on his way back home. During his way back, he felt like someone his following him. He usually ignore it but the presence keep coming closer, so he decide to speed up. What he didn't know that the presence is getting ready to attack him. But before he get to do anything, he was knock out. Behind him is a boy with some bodyguards.

Boy: Take him to the mansion and force him to tell everything.

The bodyguards nodded and brought the man away from the location.

The boy look at Samuru for a moment before disappearing from the area. Samuru on the other hand, notice the presence have disappear.

Samuru: *turn around* Weird? I am sure I felt a presence just now.

Samuru just shrugged to himself before continue walking to his house.

Samuru: Maybe it just my imagination.

~ 0 ~

Riki: I understand the situation. So you want me to look an eye for him.

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