Third person's PoV:

Hira popped up from behind her opponent, her fist held high ready to punch."There you are!" the gruff man said as he spun around blocking her punch with his arm and pushed her back as she did with him moments ago. Hira flew back at a rapid speed to a tree, but with a quick twist of her body she turned her feet to the tree and pushed back off from the trunk and back towards the man. "What is this? A bouncing ball is attacking me." he gave a hearty deep laugh as he stepped to the side avoiding a flying Hira.

She tucked and rolled back onto her feet. "I didn't want to do this, but hey why not." Hira weaved hand seals too fast for the man to see and then when he blinked again the girl threw Shurikens up in the air and some at him he dodged these that went to him then smirked. "You missed." He snidely said with a smug, but hey he learned that she didn't do things unnecessarily when she yelled, "Shinkuutai Naihatsu (Wind Element: Air Pocket Bursts)" and that had the air around him burst. The wind would knock him around and the Shurikens would fly in all directions hitting him and leaving deep gashes all over him. "Game over," she said when he fell to his knees. He had passed out so Hira took the liberty of taking back all her Shurikens before she walked to search him for scrolls. Finding one, but it was the same scroll as them which made her sigh and grumble under her breath. She jumped up and rejoined Rin up on the branch finding that Kakashi and Obito was there as well. "Were you guys waiting on me?" she asked and they nodded. "Sorry, I had to pick up all my Shurikens as the had flown all over the place." she scratches the back of her neck smiling embarrassedly. "Yeah, I know," Obito said pointing at a scratch on his cheek then held out a familiar Shuriken. "I barely dodged one," he said as he held out the weapon that he had avoided and Kakashi had grabbed. The girl blushed looking away as she grabbed the metal star. She apologized when she mustered up the courage to look him in the eye.

"So, the scroll?" Rin asked and looking over at her friends. Hira shook her head making her look over at the boys. "Well, my opponent had a scroll..." Obito said trailing off looking sad for a moment, making the others glum, before he broke out into a smile holding out the scroll. "And it's the one we needed," he said grinning wildly. Hira hit him over the head. "Baka, don't scare us like that!" she growled and Obito shrieked a bit at the dangerous aura surrounding one of his best friends and ex-crush.

He still had some feelings for the girl, but had decided to move on as he saw that she wasn't really interested in him in that way, but he had started to fall for his other female comrade. He had realized that Hira was just too shy and all over the place. She would feel this way one moment and another the next, Rin was the opposite she was always consistent with her feelings. She was always happy-go-lucky and he liked the warmth she radiated.

"Obito?!" Hira yelled into his ear snapping her fingers in his face. He looked around shocked and confused. "Yeah, I am here! What happened?" he asked looking at his comrades that just stared at him. "We don't know, you just zoned out and stared at Hira then at Rin," Kakashi stated clocking his head to the side. Obito blushed at his obvious daydream and stare at his best friends.

"Anyway, we said that we should start heading to the tower. It's still early and we can make it to the tower in the afternoon." Kakashi spoke looking out to the tower that stood above the trees. "Make it nightfall, we can't go rushing in. Not to mention we have to go at a much slower pace than before. We all lost a great amount of chakra and Rin is still quite a bit injured." Hira stated as if she was the new unsaid leader of the group, but she didn't mean it like that. She just wanted to voice her opinion on the matter and Kakashi somehow understood what she meant while her two friends stared at her with wide eyes.

"Hira please don't question Kakashi's leadership. I will be fine." Rin said waving her hands in front of her face to dismiss their concern. "Hira's right. We all lost a great amount of chakra which would put us in a disadvantage if we get attacked and Rin can't properly heal when we keep moving." Kakashi fell silent trying to work out a plan. "We can't stay here, if these morons woke up while we were resting then we are doomed," Obito stated his hands flying all over the place, but Hira caught them and looked at him in the eyes. "No need to worry Obito," she said calmly and confident, something he never saw on the girl until they started this test. She let go of his wrist letting it fall to his side. "Why don't we move, but not straight ahead." Hira proposed and Rin looked at her with eyebrows pulled together. "What do you mean?" Obito asked.

"We move forward but in an angle. If one of these teams wake up they would think we went straight ahead and would follow in that direction." Hira explained and that got Kakashi to nod. "Might work, we can rest when we are quite a distance away from them," he stated looking up at his team members, the team he was leading with the help of his unsaid co-captain, Hira.

They did as plan and headed out and had set camp quite far away, they made sure where the other teams were and had seen most were far off battling for a scroll while others were still searching.

"It seems we are the only ones with both scrolls." Hira notified her team, "Most are still fighting or searching for teams to fight." Her team nodded. "Hey guys I thought about, why don't we disguise the scrolls as if they were just ordinary scrolls," Rin said from next to Hira, Obito nodded as he sat on the other side of Rin quite a distance away.

Hira smiled at Rin. "That's a great idea!" Hira smiled and pulled out both of the scrolls. "Um, Kakashi, mind lending a hand. I don't really know how to do that type of Jutsu." Hira sweatdropped at herself for being so excited about doing something she can't really do. Kakashi looked over at her then at the scrolls before getting up and walking over towards her.

"Do you have a scroll I can use?" He asked clocking his head to the side again as if he was an adorable puppy not understanding something. "Y...yeah I h...have three." she stuttered and quickly grabbed her bag to pull out three different scrolls. He took one with a nod making the girl blush a bit. He was quite close to the girl and she seems to be the only one to realize this. Her heated cheeks, and odd giddy feeling in her chest had her nervously fiddling with the other two scrolls.

He performed the Jutsu and handed her back all three scrolls. He then instead of heading back to his seat across the fire he turned a bit so he could sit next to her...

Rin looked at them with an ill-at-ease feeling in her chest while Obito just stared wide-eyed. Rin was obviously happy for her friend, but jealousy was a terrible thing and Rin had that nasty feeling bubbling inside her. She stirred a bit and looked at Obito trying to forget what just happened between her best friend and her crush.

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