Part six: The city of Oxenfurt *

Comincia dall'inizio

He paid me well and treated me to dinner in the inn, where I met Geralt again.

"Hey, Geralt, how's your day been?" I asked as I sat down in front of him. Edmund seemed surprised at my joviality with the Witcher, who must look more menacing in the candle light of the inn and with the brand on his face, beside his usual scarring.

"It was fine. Killed a couple drowners near the bridge. And you? Who's your friend?"

"I'm Edmund." He quickly said, extending his hand. Geralt didn't take it, instead continuing his dinner. "We- uh Annabel helped me with an experiment today."

Geralt simply nodded. The innkeeper set plates of steaming baked potatoes and green beans in front of us. I delighted in the strong smell of nutmeg. I thanked her and we started to eat. Edmund was quite the contrast with Geralt. He had a thin, lean frame, a softer face and brown curls that fell in his eyes.

"Edmund said he'll show me the art at the academy later." I shared a look with the Witcher and he knew at that moment what was going on. "Are you going to visit Shani before we leave?"

"You know about Shani?" Geralt asked. "Maybe I will."

We ate the rest of the meal in relative silence. Geralt finished first, leaving the table with a nod and a "See you later, have fun."

As soon as he had left, Edmund became more talkative. "So you know him, a Witcher?"

"Yeah, we travel together."

"And that's all... you do?" I knew what he was implying and debated whether or not to play dumb.

"He's helping me break the curse." I pointed to my wrist and took another bite of potatoes.

"Yeah, I noticed that mark. What kind of curse is it?" Edmund looked at the mark curiously. He reached out and almost touched it.

"I can't find my one true love." I replied, in a more dramatic tone than was necessary. "It doesn't hurt though, you can feel it if you want." He did, softly tracing the pattern with his index finger. He shifted a bit closer to me, I could smell wine and smoke on his breath.

"Sorry to hear that." He put a hand on my shoulder, staring at me with his kind brown eyes. "Is there something to be done about it?"

"Who knows. You spoke of art, earlier?" and with that, we left. I had forgotten how nice it was to, however shallow, go on a date. 

Edmund took me to the gallery first, and I admired the many great portraits and battle scenes. We sat down on a stone bench, surrounded by marble statues, in the courtyard of the academy. Chatted about music and beauty. There was a decorative alcove in the back of the garden, overgrown with vines and surrounded by rose bushes. He led me there, pulling me by my hand. The moon was half this night, and stood high and proud in the night sky. As he pulled me in, he twirled us around and with a gentle push, my back was against the overgrown wall of the alcove.

He whispered something sweet in my ear, then kissed me passionately, deep, full of longing. I tugged on his beautiful curls and he lifted me up to wrap my legs around his waist. This was truly my most romantic night here. I loved it. He kissed my neck, groaned as I slid my cold hands underneath his doublet.

"You look stunning in the moonlight." Edmund said against the tender skin of my neck. "I want to feel you so bad."

I only whimpered in response and rotated my hips to meet his groin. My nails dug into his back as he sucked on my neck and gathered up my skirts. I withdrew one of my hands from under his doublet and guided his face to mine, kissing him deeply, hungrily.

We both panted as he fumbled with his pantaloon. Then he entered me, I felt so full and gasped out his name.

"You feel so good..." he was barely able to control himself and thrust with a sense of urgency. We were too out of breath to kiss and I clenched his head to the nape of my shoulder. I let one of my hands slide down to stimulate myself and grasped his curls with the other. The heat in my core build up quicker than I expected.

Then I spotted a figure in the courtyard, an orange tunic and a bald head. I gasped, a white-hot pressure made my head fall back and my eyes clamp shut. Edmund saw this as encouragement to thrust deeper, faster. At the moment I came undone so harshly, throbbing and clenching, a sharp stinging in my left hand made the sensation even more intense.

It was after Edmund slid out of me and gently put me down, my legs wobbly, I realised it was the mark O'Dimm put on me. With a nervous gaze, I looked around the courtyard, but he was nowhere in sight, although I could've sworn I saw him just before...

"Are you alright?" Edmund asked. "That was amazing." He pulled me into another deep, more satisfied kiss. Slowly the burning in my hand and wrist faded.

I nodded, smiling at him and cradling his face between my hands. "Yeah, really intense."

"Do you want to sleep over or..."

"That would be lovely. Do you live nearby?"

I hope you liked it. Don't forget to let me know what you think <3

I'll be back soon with the next part.

Honey and Sulphur (Witcher/Gaunter O'Dimm story) Completed!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora