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Harry's POV

When I got to my flat, I immediately went on my laptop and searched her name. A tumblr and twitter popped up. Mostly everything she has on tumblr is poetry. On Twitter it's her retweeting celebrities and some of her poetry. She has over 5000 followers on Twitter..she didn't seem like the popular girl but I guess she is. I look through her followers and most of them seem out of state. Hmm.

I quickly find a picture of her and whom I'm guessing is her mum. Her mums name is Jamie Rosewell so I search it, as well, opening a new tab. I find her Facebook, her whitepages, and along with an obituary with the name Gabriel Kenton Rosewell, assumably her father.

I go to the Facebook, finding plenty of photos of my Emma. There's a picture of her and her mum at a family reunion where Emma looks uncomfortable with an awkward smile. Many of the photos of Emma are taken with an uncomfortable stance. So, she doesn't like pictures. I check the obituary and read the inhumane words.

Gabriel Kenton Rosewell, age 34, of London passed away December 10th, 2012. Gabriel was a hardworking, family-oriented man. His wife, Jamie, and his daughter, Emma Rosewell were at there beloved home when he was murdered at Camden Jones home. He was found with four stab wounds to the heart and Camden James Jones was shot in the kitchen. This is a murder-homicide and from further investigation, was known that Jones and Rosewell were presumably, best mates. The intentions behind Jones murder has not been discovered.

To send love, deliver to 97 Newstreet drive.

My heart breaks for the ache I know Emma and her mum have. That's completely heart shattering. No wonder why she seemed so closed-off by our encounter. I go back to her mum's Facebook and look at more pictures of Emma, saving them. I find a picture of her with cake on her nose and her trying to lick it with a smile on her face, her eyes gleaming. I guess she didn't know the photo was being taken of her. I read the caption and it says "happy birthday, my doll! You're growing up to be such a wonderful young lady and I know dad would be proud of you." I look at the date and it's December eleventh. Oh my god. That means her dad died a day before her birthday.

I hate that she had to go through that. If I could, I would've killed the fucker that killed her dad before he even had a psychotic thought on his mind. People are so fucking crazy, it makes me sick.

But on better news, I now have her address. It's 11pm but I hop in my black suburban, and drive towards her house. She lives about twenty minutes away from me and I bite my nails impatiently. As I arrive, I see the curtains are open in a bedroom. I try and look through the window and I see a poster of a couple singers and whatnot. Her room is colored white and her sheets are completely off the bed. I see cups and bowls on her dresser. She's a messy little one, hm?

My breath hitches as I see her walk into her bedroom in a tank top and panties. She's beautiful.


Emma's POV

As I get ready for bed after brushing my teeth, I put my blankets all back on my bed from pushing them off after I got too hot. "Emma, take Butter out before you go to sleep!" I groan, tiredly, as I put my slippers on. "Butterbean! Hi baby, you wanna go outside?" He wags his tail and goes in circles, proving to me he wants to go. I sigh and unlock the door before heading to the front yard and closing the gate. No ones up this late so it doesn't matter that I'm in my underwear, no one will see me. As I wait for Butter to use the bathroom, I look around at the cold night and see a black SUV parked across the street. I guess the neighbors got a car. They said they couldn't afford one when we ate lunch with them last week so I'm not sure why they got an expensive car. Butterbean looks at me expectedly and wags his tail. I pick him up and kiss his head gently, walking inside. I close the door and walk to my room, "night mum!"

"Goodnight doll, sweet dreams!" She yells from her room and I close my door. Butterbean jumps on my bed and stares out the window, starting to bark. "Shhh, it's bedtime!" I whisper, I just want to sleep ugh. I look towards the window, thinking it's probably just another cat when I look to the car that was parked and see a man leaning against the car, staring at me. My eyes widen and I start to tremble. I'm not sure if he's looking at me but he's looking in my direction. I can't see him clearly because of the darkness but I get scared and close the blinds. Butter keeps barking so I run to my mums room.

"M-mum there was a man outside..a-and he was staring at m-me" her eyebrows furrow and she comes to me, holding me her warm embrace. I sigh, shaking out of fright still. "I'll go check."

I nod as she leaves for a moment and comes back, "there was no one there."

"He was standing a-against a black suv."

"I'm sure he wasn't looking at you, doll. Get some rest sweetie. I love you." She kisses my forehead and I nod, walking back to my room. Butterbean stopped barking and is fast asleep, sprawled out over half my bed. He's ten pounds but doesn't seem to think so because he acts like he's the biggest one out of all of us.

I lay down and toss and turn for about an hour before finally falling asleep.

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