A Little Black

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Yeah yeah yeah, save the applause, the chapter titles are great, I know. I figured since I did a Lance POV, Keith POV , then a Shiro POV should definitely be right there too. After all this is a relationship of threes! After this the POV will be switched up a bit depending on the situations. Some shiro, Keith, and lance povs in a blender!

                                                                       Shiro POV

They're taking so long. I suppose sending Keith to rope Lance into spending time with us may have been a bad choice. Don't get me wrong, Keith is a great guy, but after being alone so long in his life, he can be blunt and not so eloquently spoken. Especially since Lance tends to be emotional almost to an extreme when it comes to Keith. I'm not sure exactly what happened at the Garrison between them, Keith doesn't seem to know either, considering when I asked him, he simply told me he didn't know why the blue paladin is so keen on beating Keith in everything. I really missed a lot during my time away.

After I was launched into space for the Kerberos mission, I never expected to come back alive. When the Galra abducted me and forced me to fight in their arena against those horrible creatures, I was just like the creatures I fought, horrible. They'd removed my right arm, replaced it with their tech, forced me to fight and be a brutal monster. A monster who woke up in a desert cabin, staring at a very familiar, Keith, who instantly made me feel relieved and human all at once. Something I didn't feel at all during captivity

                 I'd had feelings for Keith in a different way before the mission, he was like a lost puppy, hungry for interaction, but starved so long he didn't know how to be social. Something I realized, after we became paladins of Voltron, that I had helped him with on earth. Suddenly that complex of being a mentor fell away after a few months. This Keith was older, still starving, loyal to a fault to those he cared about, and sometimes so blunt it was ugly. That feeling of nothing more than someone Keith had to look up to, fell away and I was suddenly very smitten.

                 Keith was too young then, and I....well I hadn't looked at him that way at all. Now I have him to thank for my recovery, he soothes my nightmares and flashbacks with wordless cuddles and holds me so close that I just feel so much more human. On the nights he doesn't wake up to help with an episode, or I can't sleep, I've discovered something else, or someone else who makes me feel just as human as Keith does. Lance.

I decided enough was enough and quickly made my way over to the training room. When the door slid open I came face to face with a pile of metal parts, some still flickering with electricity. Coran was gonna have his hands full later on. However, Keith nor Lance were anywhere to be seen. Keith's bag was on the ground, he must have been here. Running a hand through my hair I breath out as thoughts race through my head. Keith probably said something and Lance got offended, wouldn't be the first or last time.

Walking out of the training room, and down the hall towards the bedchambers I heard voices, Keith and Lance, it's unmistakable. I get closer and I noticed immediately Lance had red streaks running down his face, he had been crying. I looked over to Keith and let out a sigh. My hand found it's way to Keith's shoulder to alert him I was there and Lance looked up at me, while he had cried earlier, he was smiling now, cheeks dusted pink. I glanced at Keith, quirking a thick brow questioningly, but didn't say anything otherwise. "What's going on here." I asked to no one in particular, just in case Lance wanted to be the one to speak.

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