A Little Red

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Here is a little bit of Keith!

I suck at these little authors note things.


Keith POV

Everyone has been getting along so well recently, and while I've never felt like I had a family before, this is what I would imagine one would be like. Shiro has taught me so much when it comes to doing activities with my fellow paladins. He worries for me, and I know he knows I'm trying. I've been working on encouraging the others with helpful words or actions like helping Pidge dodge attacks, even if she was doing well with that anyway. I try to do these activities with the others as much as I possibly can. It might help me discover how I can connect in "less combative ways" as Shiro had told him. I guess other people don't bond the way I do.

During group training sessions in or outside the lions, I feel a certain peace in being connected to my team. I'm slowly associating them with family more and more each time, which makes Shiro happy. Seeing as he is my partner, the term 'boyfriend' seems a little too...mushy, and leader, I want him to be happy and pleased with my actions. The more we connect as a group, the more I can trust and feel things I normally don't with people other than Shiro. The more this happens the easier it'll be to form Voltron.

"Shiro he did it again, he hasn't said a single snarky thing to me all day!" I complained to my lover as we cuddled on the couch in the lounge room. It wasn't really something we did in the more public space, but today it just happened to be where they met after training with the lions outside the castleship. Another group training session Lance failed to show up to. Shiro huffed amusedly in response to my complaint. Curse this man for all his calm and collected mind! Shouldn't he also be upset?

"Keith, he's probably just been busy, his whole day does not consist of him purposefully seeking you out to snark or joke with you." Shiro said with a little gravelly sound coming out near the end. He was tired. "Well don't you think it's suspicious he didn't want to train with his lion?" I asked rubbing a curly with my thumb into the base of my lovers neck. "No not particularly, Ive seen his logged hours in the computer, he's been training." At this I frown and my eyebrows crease together in thought. "You're not worried about him are you Keith?" Shiro asked with a knowing smirk, the bastard. I clocked my tongue and I shook my head. " No, he's not training with us, and I don't know, I just want to connect with him like I can with you, Hunk, and Pidge! For Voltrons sake." I clarified, puffing out a frustrated sigh which makes Shiro chuckle.

One person, the only person, I have not been connecting to as well is Lance. I know he still sees me as some sort of rival, proclaimed solely by his mind you! However, his childish actions are only going to hurt Voltron and the team. He's honestly not as bad as I thought he was originally, but he still irks me to no end. Why does he think insulting my hairstyle, or getting butt-hurt every time I beat him during training is helping anything? Sure sometimes he is funny and sweet, keeping Pidge in check with sleeping, helping Hunk when he's freaking out about food, even when he tells Shiro to rest when Shiro is running on empty and overworking himself?

"Well if it's any consolation Keith, I think we are going to stop on a planet soon, if it's calm enough we may be able to...have a talk with him." Shiro said with a look of concern, I must have been thinking for a while and left him in silence. "Yeah, but how do we know he will accept to come with us, on his own? Yeah he would go with you, but me? I don't even think he likes me in any way Shiro." I admitted, although a little muffled because I've shifted to put my face in the crook of his neck. "I think he's still adjusting." Shiro said, but I couldn't help but feel even more frustrated.

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