Ch 15: Спокойной ночи, Америка // The Denier

Start from the beginning

"Says the guy who publicly executes his own people without hesitation." Russia spat. America flashed a grateful smile at Russia and when Russia noticed America's smile, he smiled back.

America also noticed three other countries shifted nervously in their seats. It took a second, but America realized they all executed publicly as well. Yikes.

It was obviously clear that North Korea hadn't expected Russia to stand up for America, but he definitely wasn't the only one. America could hear the faint whispers of conversation. Many countries were confused about what just happened, some seemed to be happy, and others were skeptical. America listened in on a few conversations, but quickly stopped himself when he realized his attention gravitated to more negative conversations about him. America didn't want to hear the other's negative opinions, it would just make him more self-conscious of his all-too-abundant flaws.

North Korea looked like he was about to respond, but UN beat him to it, "North Korea, Russia, and America, stand down. We're here for discussion and compromise, not mindless insults." He sighed, casting a weary eye towards some of his papers. "But I fear you need some time to cool your heads. We're taking a ten-minute recess."

North Korea scoffed and snarled, "Of course. I wouldn't expect any less. All the capitalist pig does is hide behind others, just like how the coward he is."

America glared at North Korea, and responded, "Says the coward hiding behind China."

That only seemed to make North even angrier and he started to remark rude and insulting comments towards America. Tired and unwilling to sow any more seeds of hatred, America walked away, vaguely hearing North become louder in his insults.


Canada watched his brother leave, concern building up inside of him. He turned to Australia, "Is it just me or has America been acting weird for the last few days? He doesn't seem as stubborn or like himself."

Australia looked at his brother and thought about it for a moment, "Yeah, I guess so."

"Don't you find it concerning that the minute he starts acting weird, he suddenly puts on gloves?"

"He was wearing gloves?" Australia asked, surprised.

Canada sighed, "Yeah, he was."

"Don't sound so disappointed in me, my seat is all the way across the room! How could I have seen it?" Australia defended himself.

While Australia was talking, Canada noticed a certain ushanka-wearing country leave the meeting room to follow America. Very quickly, Canada shushed his brother and asked to no one in particular, "What the heck is Russia trying to do?"

"Huh, yeah, actually, speaking of Russia-"

"Russia just followed Ame!" Canada said, getting up. "He might try to do something like start a fight or-"

Australia just started laughing. Canada looked to his brother, both concerned and mad. Australia started speaking in between laughs, "Sorry I just- you couldn't see America's face well during the argument, right?" Canada hesitantly nodded and his brother continued, "Yeah, after Russia spoke up, they looked at each other like they were friends and stuff. I think they worked things out without us knowing."

Canada looked a bit confused, "Why wouldn't America tell us they made up?"

"This is America we're talking about, he probably forgot."

"You have a point there," Canada sighed. "Even so, I just hope he's ok. He's just... different somehow and I don't know why or what it means."

Australia smiled, "How about we grab Kiwi and go check up on him tomorrow after the meeting? He isn't leaving until Saturday, after all."

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