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Carrying a bundle of his bags and weapon containers in hand, Eadric and I make the short trek from the camps outside over to Maaike and I's room within the bunker, ignoring all the pointed stares directed our way from the various warriors and such we pass. We make sure the enter the space quietly, Eadric holding the thick steel plate door open for me before following immediately after. But when Maaike stands from her place sat over the couch, still awake and evidently wary of Eadric's presence, he pauses, looking down to me to explain.

"Maaike," I begin as I step forward to set his bags over on the table beside her, "do you remember Eadric? He's going to be staying with us for a bit."

"I remember you." She confirms, her expression tentative as she looks over her previous King. "I met you when I stowed away to follow Aurora to your village."

"You did." He nods, stepping up to us to set the rest of his bags down. "You were much younger then."

"I was." Maaike nods, a hand raised to the back of her neck.

When the silence begins to get awkward, I decide to intervene. "Uh, Maaike," I begin, looking over to her room, "why don't you go ahead and get some rest. In the morning, I'll help you get ready for training and you can tell me how your first day went after, okay?"

"Okay." She nods. She spares one last uneasy glance towards Eadric before leaning up to press a chaste kiss to my cheek. "Goodnight, Aurora."

"Goodnight, little rat." I tease, hoping to get a smile out of her.

She ducks her head to hide it before walking over to her room to retire for the night.

"Did you see the way she looked at me?" Eadric relents with a heavy sigh. "It was like she didn't even recognise me."

"It's been years for her, Eadric." I remind him, moving to pick up his bags again. "Give her time to adjust."

"I know." He relents, grabbing the remainder of his bags before following me to my room. "But are you really sure this is okay?" He asks as he sets his bags down over the spare dresser alongside me. He falters as soon as I have glanced over to him, my brows furrowed in question as he sheepishly adds, "Me staying with you, I mean."

"I know what you meant." I assure him, lifting my chin as I assess his manner closely. "If you're worried about Iolana-"

"It's not that." He argues, his eyes narrowed in protest. He sighs, glancing over to the bed. "I just remember how much you value your privacy, and I know it's been a while since you've had someone else in your bed. The last thing I would want to do now is intrude, or make you uncomfortable in any way."

"You dedicated two years of your life to looking after me, before you even knew me." I reminisce, thinking back to our first few months together, to how much I used to fight him. "Also, I'd rather not have you sleeping outside, so, let me look after you now."

His smirks upon having been called out for his previous plan. "I was planning on keeping watch out there with Apache-"

"He wants you to get rest, too." I insist, cutting him off. "He's just being soft on you, adhering to all of your wishes."

"And Einar?" Eadric asks, crossing his arms over his chest challengingly.

"She's acting similarly." I relent with a shrug. "What about it?"

Eadric merely shakes his head, allowing his arms to fall. "Nothing, I guess."

After noticing the slightly uncomfortable frown currently occupying his lips, I cock my head to the side, confused. "What is it?"

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