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Four years and seven days later.

Kneeling low into the lengthy grass sprawled around her feet, Maaike scanned the tracks leading a little ways ahead of her with a careful eye. The impressions left behind were weighted on one side, revealing that the state of the small doe she has been tracking was indeed favorable to her hunch about the subtle limp in its forefoot. Even hardly detectable in its leisurely pace the limble creature maintained amongst its quickly exhausting pack, its condition would prove useful for her first solo kill. Hopefully the pack would settle for bed soon enough.

Despite the calmness of the night, there was a haunting air to the eerie mist that has crept along the forest floor, encircling her ankles in slow moving tendrils before they danced on, only for another wave to take its place. While the region was teeming with wildlife, no bear or wolf had taken advantage of the fragile doe's unfortunate circumstances, as though neither of the domineering predators were willing the disrupt the tranquility present in the night. The sky was clear, the moonlight providing subtle illumination through the dense patches of greenery it managed to stretch through, and the impressions it left were feathered, tentative, much like the little girl's current manner.

Maaike was very aware of the fact that this was her fourth night out from the village grounds, and her food sources were nearly half depleted if not for her mindful rationing. Still, the circumstances were not ideal to stay out any longer, and if she missed her opportunity here, it would be likely that she would have to turn back with nothing to reward her efforts at all.

It was clear that this reality would be unacceptable in her mind. Winter was coming soon, and she had to prove she was capable of providing when circumstance most required it.

Just as the creature began to settle down, Maaike released a sharp breath, allowing herself to trek a couple paces further. Pulling her recurve bow from its place strung over her shoulder with practiced care, Maaike positioned her hand over the worn grip before reaching up to draw three arrows from her hunter's quiver. With evident precision, she notched one, having tucked the remaining two into her left hand still braced over the grip so they would reside parallel to the string of the bow at the ready.

Taking care to rise slightly, Maaike pulled the string well past its resting point, breathing deep as she slowly stalked forward to get a better angle over the small doe-


"Wha-?" Maaike's question is cut off by a cry as she stumbles over the pebble straight out into the open. "Shit!"

From my position hidden along one of the bluffs looking over the clearing, I peer through the scope of my sniper rifle having been propped up on its bipod for quite some time now before pulling the trigger to land a shot into the heart of the deer.

The others scamper off in a rush, terrified by the burst of the shot.

I take a second to survey the kill a moment longer before quickly dismantling my rifle and slinging it over my back. I jump down into the clearing a moment later, now well in Maaike's view.

Maaike takes in the sight with a stupidly shocked expression before rising at once to rush up to me. "What the hell, Aurora?" She bellows, taking a moment to swing her bow back over her shoulder with a huff. "Have you been following me the entire time I've been out here?"

"Nonsense." I scoff, giving her a moment to process my words with a confused raise of her brow. "I waited until today to scout your path in the rover and check in on you-"

"Dammit, Aurora, I thought you were gonna give me this one!" She shouts, scraping the strands out of her dismantled hair in desperate need of a wash from her forehead."You promised me you were gonna let this be my first solo hunt!"

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