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For a halting moment my vision blurs, a numb sensation traveling through my veins as a coldness overtakes my body. My flesh becomes clammy, Apache's grip on me wavering none as Eadric releases Donse before shoving his lifeless corpse to the ground. The pool of blood seeping from the cut continues to soak the ground.

By the time I raise my eyes, I see Vlasta's expression is similar to mine, her jaw tightly clenched. She looks to Eadric, prompting me to do the same by the time he raises his head, drops of blood splayed over his face and eyes dark. He sheaths his blade. "This is what happens when you cross me." He announces, causing Vlasta to finally raise her chin as she glares down her Commander defiantly.

"He was marked for death anyways. I merely delayed it." She mutters, a grimace finally marking her features. She sighs then, her playful gaze traveling to the curved blade at her belt. "I truly cannot bring myself to understand your reserves, Commander. If she loses, you merely have to replace one single role whereas my loss will be all her gain. If I lose, she gains my territory. She will rule over all of Lux Cantavit."

Eadric bristles as I raise my chin in understanding, now realising the full extent of how well thought out Vlasta's plan is. She is incredibly clever because either way this fight goes, Eadric and I will basically lose. Yes, I will be a ruler, but it will be of a clan I know nothing of, and I will have to spend the majority of my time there while he resides here as the King and Commander of Nocte Cantavit, of the entire Coalition. Even if we somehow manage to make it work, convince the clans this in no way weakens our reign, Lux Cantavit would not very likely accept a ruler from Aer Cantavit. I will be lucky if I survive my first year in power there, and that is if I do not manage to get myself killed before then. Basically, no matter how this all ends, we both lose.

I just have more to lose in this case.

Apache releases me then, sensing I realize it is too late to do anything about this occurrence. I look to David and my mother, raising a hand subtly to urge them to stay quiet and David nods, keeping a tight hold of my mother's hand. I turn away from her shocked expression.

"This meeting is over." Eadric seethes once I have stepped beside him, and Vlasta merely nods.

Her feral eyes travel to me. "See you on the battlefield, Mors Regina Caeli. I'll give you until the summer solstice to prepare, and the battle will take place in my clan as it is from a member of Lux Cantavit this challenge was decreed from. May we have a battle worthy of legend."

I bite the inside of my cheek so hard I penetrate the delicate flesh, the metallic taste quickly pooling over my tongue as I give a curt nod.

Her grin widens one last time before turning, only for her to immediately halt in place. She faces me again. "And, in case I had not made the terms of this fight clear," she begins with a sly grin, "there will be no guns." She turns with more finality this time, her guards traveling closely behind her in those off white masked robes, embellished with layers of warm toned fabric. faded, sparse leather armor and those cruel, curved blades. They are one hell of a force to be reckoned with. 

Slowly the Ambassadors and their clan members trickle out of the large space, even my mother and David by Nocte Cantavit guards until Eadric raises a hand. "No, they stay overnight." He announces. "I have some things to discuss with them."

The guards nod, releasing them to stay, and retreat to the walls behind them. My mother steps forward.

"How could you let this happen?" She begins, her sharp glare directed straight a Eadric.

His expression remains even as he takes her disapproval without question.

"My daughter was never meant to be forced into a marriage, and now you have her fighting for her life over a title she did not even choose?"

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