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Unfortunately, it feels like I have been asleep for only five minutes before I feel a hand tapping my cheek, urging me awake. "Aurora," a deep voice grunts, and I cannot help but stir at the sound of such a measured yet direct tone that in some ways reminds me of my father's. "Aurora, wake up." I hear again after a few moments and begrudgingly I open my eyes to a medical tent, a wooden structure attached behind it and slowly it all comes back to me as I recall Kiche going back there several times last night to get supplies as needed.

But I look towards the table to see that the man who I spent the night treating is gone, then glance forward only to realize that Eadric, who continues to prod my face and neck, his gaze searching for some kind of response, is kneeling before me, his attentive expression enough to help me remember everything that had happened the day prior. I do not say anything for a moment, but the burning sensation creeping into my eyes is surprisingly not from the pain in my neck from sleeping in this chair, nor is it from the stress or exhaustion of having so much at stake all so soon, although that may be a partial reason to the feeling having emerged so quickly. I realize the disappointment I am experiencing is due to the betrayal I feel towards the man who is demanding my attention now, my husband. But that only upsets me more as for there to be betrayal, there would have had to have been some form trust beforehand, and I can bet my life on the fact that I feel nothing of the sort towards this man.

"Aurora, are you alright?" He asks, using one of his gloved hands to gently press his knuckles to my damp lashes before sliding that same hand to the back of my neck to help support it.

"Where is he?" I grunt, my voice rough from my constant barking of orders I had given the night prior.

"Doesn't matter." He says quickly.

"Where is he?" I repeat, not willing to drop this.

He momentarily allows his gaze to fall and says nothing.

"What? No cutting remarks this morning? You biting your tongue because I passed your little test?" I get out, my sense of caution evidently diminished by the anger quickly sharpening my language.

Eadric furrows his brows in response to my accusations, cocking his head to the side as though confused by the prospect of being challenged. "Is that all you have to say to the man who came to check on you?" He questions, glancing towards my lips when a wondrous scoff escapes them.

"Who asked you to do that?" I ask, causing him to retreat some in shock. When no response comes forth from his lips, I echo, with more power behind my words, "Who asked for your help?"

"I just... I-"

"You fucked up."

"I know." He relents after his moment, his voice now carrying a bitter tone to it.

"A man who harms his own people so easily doesn't deserve to lead them."

"Watch yourself," he warns, his angered glare darkening. I feel the grip he has along the back of my neck tightening slightly, a hint that he really is struggling to remain in control. I tense at that, looking back towards him with my brows knit in repulsion as he claims, "you speak of a matter you know nothing about."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"That son of a bitch attempted to... he tried t-to harm my sister. Nearly got to her too. He's lucky I wasn't the one who caught him that night." My lips part slightly out of shock as Eadric looks away to release a wavering breath, but he never removes his hand from the back of my neck, as if in need of a physical anchor. This only lasts for a couple moments, however, and in no time his brief and somewhat genuine display is completely shrouded by the scowl that immediately consumes his features. "Look, I'm willing to apologize and admit my wrongdoings in what I put you through yesterday, especially after all your efforts here only for it all to go to nothing, but-"

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