Chapter 7

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Jennie's POV

I arrived at my parents' house a bit earlier than they expected.

"How are you doing in school lately, Jen?" My father asks as we ate dinner.

"I'm doing well, Appa." I tell him as he nodded. "I've been thinking... why did you guys hire Jisoo to be my guardian? I mean, I'm fine with it and all. She's fun to be with... but why?" I was getting curious about this lately.

"Oh... she was the one who offered us her service. We couldn't say no. I don't know why she wanted to be your guardian actually but y'know. She's the type of person that we can trust so why not, right?" My father says.

"Why sweetie? Is she not doing her job?" My mother holds my hand.

"No. She's doing it good." I reply rather quickly.

My parents sighed in relief.

Silence engulfed us until my father decided to speak.

"We were wondering Jennie... Um... your growing up now and well, we decided that you should atleast be in a relationship." My mother stated leaving me shocked and confused.

"Why should I have to be in a relationship? Isn't it too soon?" I asked them with the most stable voice I could make.

I don't want to just burst out my anger on them.

"Jen... we don't want you to be lonely." My father pats my shoulder.

"And we want grandchildren. We're getting old, sweetie." My mother adds.

I could only sigh.

"I'm not ready for another relationship." I say with bitterness in my tone.

My parents sighed this time.

"I know you can't move on just yet, Jen. But atleast try, ok?" Appa pats my head.

I nodded.

"Take your time, sweetie. Just know that we'll always support your decisions." My mother says with the softest voice.

"Thank you Appa, Eomma. I love you guys." I pulled them into a hug.

"We love you too." They said in unison.

I'm very lucky to have these kind of parents.


The next day...

Everyone said that it was fine to go to school now even after the incident yesterday.

And that's why I happily go to school.

"How was your visit?" Jisoo asks the first thing in the morning as she waited for me on the gates.

"It was well." I shrugged and proceeded to our homeroom.

"You look really happy." She follows behind me.

"I am." I simply said while smiling.

She smiles as well.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask, weirded out of the sudden smiling.

"When your happy, I'm happy." She says making me blush.

I quickly looked away and fasten my steps.

"Hey, wait up!" She shouts from behind.

When she finally kept up with me, she held my hand and started swinging it.

People are watching.

I tried to let go but she just didn't want to let go.

"What are you doing? Your making me uncomfortable." I gritted my teeth as I said so.

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