Chapter 12: It's a Fact the Whole Town Knows

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It was a warm Monday morning, and classes were due to begin in 20 minutes. Coach Kiddman had called in the team to discuss the current state of the up and coming soccer season.

"So, it's Elk Wood vs. Acadia this week," Kiddman started. "Remember, we don't give two rats asses about Elk Wood, it's Acadia that poses a threat. Cross your damn fingers that Elk Wood don't come out on top. After this week, the real fight begins. Any questions? This meeting's over if there aren't any. There better be no damn questions."

While perched in the corner of a bench, Rion had been discreetly reading something on his phone for the past two minutes. He had accustomed himself so that he could read while listening to someone speak, because he always wanted to know the news on school, and that could only be fully known through the school's website.

His face twisted into something unpleasant as he raised his hand. Rion rarely ever displayed it if he was sad or angry or deeply upset by something, so when he was displaying them, no one (aside from the Five) took him very seriously.

"Damn it, Chandler. I swear, if this is another recommendation for some meditation guide, you're gonna have an hour long conversation with the track field," Kiddman warned.

Rion shook his head once, his expression forbidding. "Settle, Coach. Meditation it is not, but perhaps you should read this." He gestured to his cellphone.

"First of all, don't ever tell me to settle. Second, give me that," Kiddman grumbled. He marched over to Rion and grabbed hold of his phone. His anger seethed after only reading the title of an article, and looking at the three black and white head shots on the front of its page: Bel White, Kite Ceroz, and Hozei Fletcher. "What the hell is this, Fletcher?"

He shoved the phone in front of Hozei, and for once, his usual vainglorious look had instantly vanished from his face. He read the title twice over to make sure he got the gist of why Coach was upset with him: Face The Facts: Kalimity's Best Dealing Drugs To Student Body.

Hozei briefly clenched his fist and scowled at the phone's screen, before remolding into outright composure. Calmly he said, "two words, Coach -- fake. News."

Kiddman was seething, quite visibly this time, and he was half a second away from demanding a canyon-deep explanation from the Weasel Captain.

The main entrance to the locker room suddenly opened, and Assistant Coach Reid, had entered partway. "Kiddman, Moreover needs to talk to you. It's important."

Kiddman grumbled and settled for an exasperated look at Hozei instead. Without looking away from the Captain, he said to the team in a voice full of suppressed anger, "get to class." He tossed Rion's phone back to him, then marched out of the locker room where Coach Reid followed after him.

Rigid silence came right after the door had shut. By now, all the boys had their phones out, and scrolled through the school article with utter shock. Included in the article were several in-explicit photos of Hozei, handling and possibly using and being under the influence of Vampire Dust, many of the time which had been during practice and the recent game. They all glanced at Hozei, slight uncertainty at what the truth was, but no one dared to say anything against him out loud. One by one, they all settled for silently exiting the locker room.

"Wait for me outside," Sun whispered to Mace and Rion. The two nodded without hesitation -- they sensed a cloudy day brewing. Hozei waited for everyone to leave before doing so himself, but he hadn't noticed Sun was still there. When he finally started to go, Sun spoke. "Hey."

Hozei was midway to the door when he halted. "Wha- Shade? You still here?"

"Is it true?" Sun asked, voice distant.

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