Chapter 4

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Jungkook woke up to a room that he didn't recognise. He looked beside him and saw a man, jungkook panicked, he removed the sheets that covered his body.he ran to to the bathroom, He looked at himself on the mirror, he had hickeys everywhere.

Jungkook was disgusted at himself for having an affair with a man that he doesn't even know.
Jungkook's eyes widen when he remembered taehyung, he would be so disappointed on jungkook,
He wiped the tears that fell on his face and went outside of the bathroom and grabbed his clothes that were scattered around the room and put them on when he felt two arms wrapping around his waist "I had fun last night babe, you were so loud" the man said kissing jungkook's neck.

Jungkook felt disgusted and pushed the man away "excuse me" he said and ran to the dorm to his and taehyungs shared room.

He hesitated when opening the door
"I'm back" jungkook said and there in the living room a worried taehyung sitting on the couch "I was worried" taehyung stood up and went towards jungkook hugging him "go get dressed we're going to class" taehyung said sternly "but-" "no but's jungkook go and take a shower quick" taehyung said. Jungkook nodded and went towards their room and grabbed his clothes and went to take a shower


Taehyung and jungkook arrived in front of the school
"I have to go baby I need to do my duties" taehyung kissed jungkook's head and went in the school, jungkook following after him

When he opened his locker to grab his books words were written inside the locker and death threats

Just die
Go jump off a building
Kill yourself

Jungkook grabbed his books quickly and sped walked towards his class and opened the door
"Jeon jungkook you're late" tsked
Jungkook Bowed and said sorry and went towards his seat, along the way his classmates were giggling and talking about him.

Jungkook looked at his desk and threats were written on there aswell. He sat down and listened to mr. Kim talking about their lesson until the bell ringed signifying
That it was lunch time.

Jungkook stood up and sped walked to his locker quickly placing his books and ran towards cafeteria ignoring the laughs and glares the people were giving him.

Jungkook ran towards taehyung and hugged him "I-I'm sorry tae" jungkook sobbed unto taehyung's shirt, taehyung patted jungkook's head "it's okay baby" taehyung said sweetly and kissed jungkook's head "let's go eat lunch baby" taehyung wispered softly. Taehyung grabbed jungkook's hand and went to a table.

"I brought us lunch so you don't have to buy" taehyung said jungkook said thank you to taehyung and they began eating
"Mmm this is really good taehyung, did you cook this" jungkook was amazed it was so delicious "thank you baby, I made it with love" taehyung winked, jungkook blushed and continued eating his lunch Quietly.

After lunch they went back to their own classes and again everyone laughed and threw notes at him during class, after class he went with taehyung back to their dorm.

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