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And thats when you realise you were grinding against min yoongi!

Well not grinding but still!
Shocked, you stumble backwards, hands still on yoongi, pulling both of you down
Awe shit, here we go again

This time, however, your faces were alot closer
He was fucking leaning in
And there was no one to open the door and stop him

Stop it
That's what you wished you could say, but you were speechless, you just wished someone would come in and sto-

You heard the door, both of you heard the door.

He pushed himself off of you and you throw him a book, keeping one for yourself

"Y/N- oh your doing the tutor lesson with Yoongi" thank the lord that it was hobi and not taehyung. "I was just leaving, bye" and he walked out like nothing happened

Hoseok closed the door behind him and sat next to you on the floor
"We need to talk"

The next day

Wednesday. You were fucking terrified to see yoongi again.

Last night you and hoseok had a chat, he said he would try to persuade taehyung to stop being so distant but you think it might've made it worse, cause he didn't even wake You up this morning

To say you were pissed was an understatement, you were fucking furious, on the bus to school, you planned out how you would murder him

You were going to walk up to him, right there in front of the class, and slap him

But when you walked into homeroom, it wasn't taehyung sitting at the teacher's desk, it was some old man

"Hello class, today I'll be teaching you, because Mr Kim is sick" he said, answering the question everyone was thinking

But he left the house this morning?

Right so you saw taehyung drive the car away, but he's not at school. Somethings definitely wrong

At break you went to the teacher's lounge, but he wasn't in there, but he always spends his break here

This wasn't adding up. You say taehyung leave the house, get in the car, and drive in the direction of your school, but he wasn't fucking in his classroom or the teacher's lounge. You were starting to worry

You then proceeded to check every room, ignoring the bell signalling you to go back to lesson.

You had checked every inch of this school. But he wasn't there
It was obvious he'd gone somewhere else, but we're?
Jungkooks? No Jin would've texted you

So where could he be!?

You felt your heart beat faster.
What if he'd gotten into an accident!?
What if he was kidnapped!?
Would you ever see him again!?
Was the last goodbye you gave  him a glare!?

you scream in frustration, almost pulling out your hair

This wasn't fair
Whoever was doing this to you would pay. Even if it was taehyung. Even if it was your one of your friends. Even if it was hoseok. They would pay, you would punch them in the face and kick the in the stomach, you would make them pay.

Enclosing your fists you stomp out of the school

Fuck education, my brother's more important

You sprint to jungkooks house, just in case, even if nobody was home. You would bang on the door.

Getting there you pound as hard as you can on the big doors, indenting them, you wait for about 10 minutes before you loose your patience and start running back to your house, encase he'd gone home

Who ever did this would pay

Finally arriving out your house, you unlock it and stomp in, slamming the door behind you.

All the lights were off, Then you see a note on the table, in big bold letters, you could see

To Y/N from taehyung

(ON HOLD)The Blue Haired Boy |min yoongi|Where stories live. Discover now