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The familiar voice wakes you up but you refuse to open your eyes and continue listening , "Sorry ma'am, my apologies" your older brother taehyung sounds like he's on the phone with someone
"One more week.... please"
His voice cracks as he said the last word which makes you involuntarily pout
"Thank you so much"

You hear a 'ding' which suggests that taehyung had hung up on whoever was speaking with him

You hear you door open
"Y/N love, time to get up"
He smiles as he walkes in the room and opens the closet

"Noooooo, I don't wanna"
You complain but taehyung just ignores your cries

"C'mon Senior year! Aren't you exticted!?"
He asked

You slowly sit up
"No. We have to wear ugly blazers!"
You complain crossing your arms over your chest

He laughs at your behaviour before placing your uniform on the bed
"Alright love imma head out, I need to get to work"
He placed a kiss on your forehead before leaving for school

You walk to the bathroom and brush your teeth and look in the mirror
Ew I need to fix this
You think before rinsing your mouth and walking back into the bedroom

You change into the white polo shirt and the way to short red and white plaid skirt, "I don't wanna wear this!" You complain throwing the blindingly red blazer on the floor,
every other year didn't have to wear these ugly blazers but the seniors had to
You do your hair and tie it into a simple ponytail

Then you hesitantly pick up the ugly blazer and slide it on "at least it's comfortable"
You say before throwing on your knee high socks and walking out your room

You shut the door with a satisfying 'Click' and walk down the stairs and see your twin brother eating some cherrios

"Jung Hoesuk! How dare you actually look good in your blazer!?"
You say in playful Jealousy
"Well, Kim Y/N, sue me"
He mocked your tone as you sigh and sit NEXT to him and start munching down on your cereal

Your probably wondering how your twin has a different last name as you and were your parents are, well it's a long story~

Short chapter, I know :(

(ON HOLD)The Blue Haired Boy |min yoongi|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя