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Then you hear the door open

Your eyes widen and yoongi quickly pushes himself off of you and grabs a book, handing you one too

"Y/N it's time to go" hoseok said with a smile on his face
You stand up and wave goodbye to yoongi
Then hobi proceded to link arms and walk away

And for some strange reason, yoongi felt is jaw clench


You drag hoseok behind you as you run down the stairs and see that taehyung was feeling a lot better

You run to hug him but he holds out a hand and shook his head with a sad smile, a little embarrassed you look to the ground and back away from your brother

He was still scared of himself,scared that one day he might actually hit you, he thought it would be better to put some distance between you and him, for his well being and yours

It's what's best

"Come on" taehyung said taking hobis hand. You sigh and follow behind them

You sit in the car, slamming the door as hoseok sits next to you, you all put your  seatbelts on and taehyung starts to drive

After 10 minutes you make it home again, this time you walk straight to your room
Looking at your clock, it was 5:01 you shrug "guess I'll get an early sleep"

You walk into your bathroom, shutting the door and locking it, you strip and walk into the shower. Turning it on you let the small droplets of water run down your back and you sigh

About an hour later, you get out of the shower and put on a baggy white t-shirt and some baby blue pajama shorts

Then you proceed to dry your hair and brush your teeth
Walking out if the bathroom, you push it closed and Juno onto your bed

One thing's for sure, I'll never be able to face yoongi again

The next morning

"Y/N wake up" you heard your older brothers voice from the door, opening your eyes you realise he is not going to come in

"Thanks Tae" you mumble as he nods and shuts the door
You stand up and make your bed then walk to your closet, changing into your school uniform, you brush your teeth and hair, today you kept your hair open

You then walk downstairs, not making eye contact with your twin you put on your shoes
Y/N-ah? Why aren't eating?" He asked putting his empty bowl of cereal in the sink
"I just down feel like it" you say before putting your bag on and walking out the house and walking to the bus stop, hoseok following behind

The bus arrives as soon as you do "hi Y/N, hoseok" jimin smiled "hi jimin" your brother responded. But you just walked straight past the boys and get on the bus

Afyer a couple or minutes you make it to school, you quickly get off the bus and walk to homeroom

"Y/N! Over here!" Your peach haired best friend called out, not wanting to deal with him and his OCD you sit on a table at the back, without anyone else on it. You didn't dare look in namjoons direction, knowing his expression would break your heart

In fact you didn't look at anyone, staring blankly at your hands, even when taehyung spoke

And that's how it was for the rest of the day, just avoiding people, you didn't even wait at jungkooks house after school you just sent hobi this text:

Hoseok, tell taehyung I'm going to walk home


Hello? Y/N?

Stop ignoring me

Fine whatever I'll tell him 🙄

After school you walked out, by your self and started to walk home
Then you felt something grab your wrist

"Where do you think your going, we have a tutor lesson"

(ON HOLD)The Blue Haired Boy |min yoongi|Where stories live. Discover now