FORTY-ONE: Their Future

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Jake was out two days later. He had some physical therapy and his movement was limited. Luckily, this wasn't his throwing arm. That fucker. Jake cursed Corey just one more time and wanted to forget him. Cooper was patient and helped with everything. There were things they never talked about though.

They began to get visits from Officer Bells and Minks on a regular basis. Ivy invited them over every Saturday night for dinner. Sebastian found a large house that he could buy. He showed it to Ivy. It was a surprise.

They walked past the house and Sebastian stopped. "This house is for sale. It's cute. Probably has enough bedrooms for all of us. Looks like five bedrooms, I'm guessing. There is a pool and hot tub in the back and a nice yard. It's cute, huh?"

Ivy looked at it. "Yes, but I can't afford anything this big. It's probably three hundred thousand."

"Two seventy-nine." Sebastian smiled.

"How would you know that Sebastian?" Ivy glared. He already look into the house. He knew how much asking was.

Sebastian sighed. "Would you be mad if I told you I already put a bid in on it?" He watched Ivy.


Sebastian nodded. "I thought it was perfect. Are you mad?"

Ivy sighed. "No! I'm not mad but I figured...this is a house!"

He nodded. "Very good. What if I told you my bid was accepted and we close in thirty days? Too much?"

Ivy stared some more. "What? You're joking!"

Sebastian smiled. "Do you want a walk through?"

Ivy just nodded. The house was perfect for them. Ivy hated that he knew that. There was even a room close to theirs that would be a perfect nursery. Ivy melted at the sighted of the baby's room. The pool was nice and the hot tub looked wonderful. They would have to add safety precautions for the baby. Sebastian was on that. There was even a room for Grandma Greta. Jake and Cooper would share a room, Ivy was letting that go. Jake had been through enough.

Cooper earned a lot of respect because everyone saw him tackle Corey. He saved Jake from getting shot twice. The second bullet would have killed him.

Cooper hated even thinking about it. He spent twelve hours thinking Jake was dead, he didn't need to relive it. When Jake was ready again, Cooper was showing him how much he loved him.

The rest of the year was eventful. Corey got his court date and was sentence to forty years for attempted murder and thirty for premeditated with deadly weapon. He wasn't getting out. The judge wanted to make an example of him and turned it into a gay hate crime.

Ivy had a pretty little girl that they named Lily. She was sweet. They boys were working on college and both got their driver licenses. They drove everywhere just to make out in the car.

Cooper found a back road and a cute run down cabin. It was close to the river and the perfect place to live. It was quiet here.

He joked about living there someday with Jake and their children. Jake enjoyed the fantasy. He was really worried about college.

They wouldn't be together forever and neither of them promised that. They just said they loved each other. Cooper hated talking about letting Jake go. He would have to and that was coming soon.

Jake got a scholarship to the University of California in Sacramento which was only six hours away. That was manageable. Cooper was okay with that. He wasn't but he had to be. It was a full ride and he wasn't holding Jake back.

Cooper chose a community college and wanted to study to become a cop maybe a detective someday. He missed Jake like crazy when he left but they called and chatted every night for the first few months. The calls became farther apart as life made things tough.

Jake studied and got his four year degree in criminal justice and studied to become a lawyer. He actually loved it. He was pretty good at it.

They tried to stay in touch but drifted apart over a few years. Jake dated around but no one compared to Cooper. He was always going to love that man. Cooper was in his dreams and his thoughts. He compared every guy to Cooper and they couldn't compare. Cooper was the love of his life.

Jake called but visited less. He saw less of Cooper. They were never at home at the same time. They had to grow up and Jake hated that. He didn't want to get too far from Cooper. They were growing apart. Things would never be like they were. His dreams turned to nightmares. He would go home in his dreams and Cooper would be married with four children. Sometimes he was married to a woman.

Jake saved up and it was finally time. He was going to open his own business and move back home. He missed that town and his family. He was almost thirty before he could blink.

Ivy had a little girl that they loved and spoiled. The boys moved out and it was just Sebastian, Ivy and Lily.

Grandma Greta got her divorce and was on some old person cruise searching for a hookup. Lily was already growing up too fast. She was about to be ten. Ten years was a long time. Ivy thought her boys had been apart for ten years. But Jake was coming home and Cooper never left. 

Thanks for reading and smack that cute star right in the face.

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