Late Halloween Special

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Hey guys, it's Kitsune Knight here and sorry for the lack of updates, been having trouble getting into the swing of writing again. But here we go with this late Halloween special, but yeah, hope you all enjoy this!


I started to wake up, letting out a yawn and I could hear someone at my door already. So with a sigh, I got on up and move to answer the door to reveal Corrin there. She smiled and waved at me, pulling me outside.

"Come on, (Y/N), it's time for celebration! We're going to be telling scary stories after we set up the center so we can have a bond fire!" I nod and just help out, moving around things so we had everything set for tonight, but next thing was prepping these strange costumes everyone seemed happy about.

(Y/N):"What are you all doing?"

Oboro:"We're getting ready for Halloween, it's a good celebration! Now come on, get into the spirit!" And without consulting me, I was dragged off to be fitted into one. 

-A Short While Later-

After being forced into a costume that seemed like some sort of butler...the things I do for this group and my wives. But when the day turned to dusk, we would all gather at the bond fire spot, all dressed in our various costumes and the like. We were about to light it up when a strike of lightning came from nowhere and light it on fire.

Nyx:"The hell? What caused this thing to happen?"

Orochi:"It wasn't a curse or the like, maybe just a freak accident?"

???:"I don't think accidents happen..." I heard a strange voice, one I didn't like too much at all, we all turned towards where we heard it from...but no one was there.

X:"Show yourself!"

???:"Ah, Prince Xander, the Crown Prince of Nohr, a nation at war with Hoshido."

R:"How do you know of us, and how did you get here?"

???:"And now the soon to be crowned High King, Ryoma."

S:"P-please don't hurt us!"

E:"Yeah, otherwise our big sister is going to punch you!"

???:"The youngest members of the respective royal families, Sakura and Elise."

(Y/N):"Corrin, get behind me, I don't think they're here on peaceful means!"

???:"You think me a puppet of Anankos? Sorry to say but that Dragon has no power over me, I am stronger than him." Then a strange man appeared...he wore a cloak and covered up his entire appearance.

R:"Wait, your the one who killed our mother!" Ryoma drew his blade and dashed at the man, swinging, only for him to catch it with a slightly clawed hand. 

???:"I am not the one who killed her, I am someone else. I'm not here to hurt any of you nor your other two sisters I haven't mentioned, Hinoka and Camilla." Ryoma did step back, blade still ready and Xander did pull out his weapon.

X:"Then speak or be cut down!"

???:"Who I am, well it's not too important, but I am only here because I hear you all want to hear a horror shall we tell a few?"

(Y/N):"Reveal yourself first!"

???:"As you wish, little reader."

(Y/N):"Little reader? The hell do you mean?" He then took down the hood of his cloak, revealing...a Kitsune's ears, his fur was white, similar to that of freshly fallen snow, he himself was a tad pale. Though his almost glowing green eyes were almost haunting.

A Levaithan's Vengence (Male Leviathan Reader x Female Fire Emblem Characters)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora