A Learning Lady

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Hey guys, it's Kitsune Knight here and as you all can guess, we have ourselves yet another chapter...and as for a schedule to be set up for this, I don't think I can make one until after I get my job, otherwise there won't be an official until maybe after Memorial Day, a Holiday here in America...don't know if it is in other countries either though, but besides that, let's get down to business. I know what you all are here for, and that's more Fire Emblem Stories! So buckle up and enjoy the ride! We gonna go places today!

Corrin, Azura, Selena, Sakura, Camilla, Felecia, Hinoka, Selkie, Velouria (You can request more)


While we were walking, though I felt like I was more or less sort of dragged into this, we happen to hear screams of Humans dying, that's not a good sign... So we then ran to find out what it was, we might not be on course, but I guess we're saving lives...

As soon as we hit the field, there were those strangely muscular creatures ripping the place to pieces, and the bodies...the ones they killed, I could sense that they were past their expiration date because they reeked! Though besides that, I could see the bodies of the ones they killed in their homes and on the ground...they didn't deserve such a fate, but alas they can be cruel, can't they? I turned to this ragtag group's leader, Corrin, as she ran off...I guess in a search for survivors...though, when exactly did she reclass??? She's carrying an axe now and...she's...the less said, the better... She's a Fighter now, that's all I'm saying...

This left the rest of...nope...the entire force is following her, so I guess that means I alone will clear out this section, could be worse I suppose...but they're still too close for my liking, I ain't going to be using my Leviathan battle form just yet...after all, it would be against the tribe rules. Luckily we all carry at least some sort of weapon to fight with just in case... I use a blade seeing as...well it just feels a bit more natural in my hands than any other weapon, really...

I heard some sounds of battle nearby, no doubt that was them fighting, though... I think I heard a new voice as well, maybe a survivor? Well, it's not my problem, my problem are the things in front of me! I just dashed towards them, jumping out of the way of their fists as I slashed them in two, thank the gods that this blade was still as sharp as they day it was built... Makes cutting these things down easy as can be! After I cut down the first two, I did a quick count of the ones left in front of me, seems there are around five or six left...that's fine for me, means I don't have to do too much more! I dashed once more towards them, blade in my right hand as I used my left to stop one of their fists cold.

(Y/N):"You didn't think you were stronger than me, did you?" I say this cockily at the creature, knowing it couldn't understand me. Though it did try to punch me again, so I just slashed it's arm off, followed by both of it's legs before I removed it's final arm. "It would be cruel to leave you like this, still moving around but can't really go anywhere....let's fix that, right?" I then swing my blade once more, and thus it's head is sent flying...towards my allies...whoops... I heard a scream a few moments later...probably landed in one of their hands...

Though, soon all of the creatures ahead of me were defeated, never to rise again, and I was left waiting for them to come to me...and they did soon after, and with the survivor as well, a girl. Corrin looked at me and was a little surprised... I guess she didn't think I'd defeat all of those things... Or maybe she thought that I'd follow her or something. But it's clear that she dropped it as she turned to the girl then.

"All right, we finished off the last of the Faceless."

???:"Um, but what do I do now? They took my mother... My life."

"You must have some family near here. We'll be glad to take you there."

???:"There's no one. I couldn't even start over here by myself. All the homes, fields... It's all destroyed. But I wouldn't want to stay here even if it wasn't. Everyone I called family is dead. Every house...a grave."

A Levaithan's Vengence (Male Leviathan Reader x Female Fire Emblem Characters)Where stories live. Discover now