The Ruins of a Settlement

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Hey guys, it's Kitsune Knight here and as you all might of guessed, I am indeed back at college, but that also means that these uploads are going to be a lot more common, as when I'm back home, I can't find the time to actually do so, but even with that. Well I can't put up an exact schedule as studying is a lot more important than writing chapters. But yeah, without further adue, let's get this thing done!

Azura, Selena, Hinoka, Elise, Charlotte, Sakura, Kagero, Selkie, Velouria


As the lights slowly came drawing in, blinding my sight, forcing me to open my eyes as a yawn escaped my lips. I suppose there are worse ways to wake up though, but I might as well get going, wouldn't want the others to be waiting too long on me for us to travel. With my robes now upon my body, I made my way to my door and open it, only to reveal a certain songstress waiting there, as if she was about to knock on the door.

(Y/N):"Azura? How can I be of service to you?"

A:"O-Oh, (Y/N), I didn't think you'd be at the door so fast."

(Y/N):"Sorry if I startled you there, but how can help you nonetheless?"

A:"W-well, I was hoping that maybe we together..."

(Y/N):"You want to be with me? You know that I am with a bunch of others, right?"

A:"I do know this, but...I want to, please."

(Y/N):"Alright Azura...we can do so, but when would you like to do this? Tonight or right now?"

A:"H-how about tonight, please." Her face lite up a bright red.

(Y/N):"That's fine with me Azura, but shall we meet up with the others? I'll follow right behind you, so don't worry." She'd give a slight nod as she lead the way to the main area where everyone was awaiting us, and of course, soon we'd warp out towards our destination.

-A Smol Warp Later-

After arriving in the Hidden Kingdom once more, we had started to walk then, but of course, there are explanations needed for this place. We were walking through the ruins of a village, one that I recognize, one that wasn't too far from where my people originally lived at.

A:"It's hard to believe, but Valla was once a mighty, peaceful kingdom. It was quite friendly with the other kingdoms of the world... In fact, it wasn't uncommon for royalty from Nohr and Hoshido to visit."

R:"What? But I've never even heard of Valla. You're saying that my father - and King Garon - were aware of this land?"

A:"Of course. The Hoshidan Throne of Truth was a gift from the Vallite king. But when the Silent Dragon Anankos seized power, this land was changed."

R:"Azura, how is it that you know so much about this kingdom?"

A:"I suppose I should explain that, as well... Come with me. There is something I wish for all of you to see." She then lead us to an old broken shrine, one that I recognize all too much.

L:"Xander... This statue... You recognize it, right?"

X:"Yes. It looks identical to the one that Father worships."

A:"This is a statue of the Silent Dragon Ananakos. Each of the kingdoms has a dragon associated with it. Hoshido has the Dawn Dragon. Nohr has the Dusk Dragon. Valla has Anankos. He was gifted with unlimited knowledge and foresight. He was also the dragon that gave his blood to the ancient Vallites."

X:"But then...why would Father worship him, rather than the Dusk Dragon?"

A:"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you... It's doubtful that there's anything left of the true King Garon."

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