Death of a Sage

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Hey guys, it's Kitsune Knight here and I know you all are waiting for another chapter, and here it is! Also, I hope that all of you who live in America had a good 4th of July! But beyond that, just know that coming next week, I don't know how that it's going to end up. But beyond that, have a great time everyone!

Azura, Selena, Camilla, Elise, Sakura, Kagero, Charlotte, Hinoka, Selkie, Velouria

Hey, I just realized that some of you might own Fire Emblem Fates, so I'm going to give you all my castle code, but also a small note, the college I go to, I can't connect to the internet from with my 3DS but while I'm home, I can help you all out if ya want, and you can see sort of the build I use to go through stories. And...don't hate either, I only use Phoenix mode for writing, besides that, I don't touch it.


I started to wake up, and it seems like there wasn't anyone near me trying to wake me up. So I opened my eyes and sat up, rubbing my eyes carefully before getting up, making sure that I had everything I needed to, I headed towards the door, only to hear a knock sound out then. I then opened the door to see none other than Keaton standing there with Kaden in tow.

(Y/N):"Well this is a surprise, how are the two of you?"

Keaton:"Hey, (Y/N), Kaden here was a bit curious about how you shapeshift."

Kaden:"You were curious too, Keaton."

Keaton:"N-no I wasn't!"

(Y/N):"Keaton...we can both tell that you were, your tail gives you away as well." He glances back at his tail, and then snarls at it.

Keaton:"Stupid tail!"

(Y/N):"Well, your both curious on how I shapeshift, that right?"

Kaden:"Yeah, I mean we use these neat little stones to change!"

(Y/N):"I've seen it, but yeah. You know how that I have my blade, Water's Edge, right?" I then drew my blade and showed it to them.

Keaton:"Wait... You named your weapon?"

Kaden:"That's a little odd, but I won't judge you, buddy." I rolled my eyes at that comment.

(Y/N):"I didn't name the blade, it's been in my tribe, a symbol of the chieftain. It's been passed down for longer than I can remember. That was the name given to it by my ancestors."


Keaton:"That would mean that your a Chieftain then."

(Y/N):"Well... Yeah, I've been the acting chief for my people for the past...two hundred years give or take."

Kaden:"What do you mean by acting Chieftain? Does your tribe do things differently?"

Keaton:"I know that me and Kaden's tribes both go down a line of succession based off of the previous Chieftain's offspring."

(Y/N):"No, the Levithan tribe does the same thing but, and acting Chieftain is sort of a temporary thing...namely because my father is in a sort of sleep. One he hasn't woken up from after a terrible battle with a small group of Humans found the village...they were armed with Wyrmslayers and...he took them all on by himself while he had me try and gather others to help. He might of won the battle, but it was at a cost."

Kaden:"So...poachers were what you ran into. Humans who want to do nothing but kill those like me and Keaton for our fur."

Keaton:"You had to become a Chieftain without any warning? But not only that, the real one is unable to lead your people. I can't even imagine how hard that might be. Sorry to hear that."

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