A Nohrian Genocide

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Hey guys, it's Kitsune Knight here and I know that the title sounds bad, but I mean...it's fitting for this chapter after all. But yeah, beyond that, I hope you all are doing well! But besides that, let's get straight into the story!

Azura, Selena, Elise, Sakura, Kagero, Charlotte, Hinoka, Selkie, Velouria

Also, I don't own the music! It's by Two Steps From Hell! But I suggest playing the music when the Nohrian Family shows up, or whenever you want will work as well!


M-my head...it hurts, and my hands...I can't feel anything going through them...that must be a good sign, right? I started to open my eyes and I was in our sort of makeshift medical tent we had. But...who found me and how did I get here anyways? I sat up slowly as I looked around the place. I may be on a cot, and my hands...they had bandages on them, guess maybe they didn't have access to a staff or rod or maybe they couldn't use one... 

I slowly got out of the cot, I mean I might feel a lot better but I'd rather not push it. As soon as I got out of my little cot, I heard someone walk on in then, so I turn to see Kagero walking in. I guess she didn't think I'd be awake, otherwise I don't know how else to explain the somewhat surprised expression that was upon her face for the briefest of moments.

(Y/N):"Kagero, do you mind if I ask what happened? Last thing I recall was passing out after being...tortured, from there, I have no idea what has occurred."

Kagero:"I-I'll inform you of what happened, but I also recommend that maybe you put on your clothing, (Y/N)." I glance down to see what she meant, and I guess it's no wonder why she mentioned that, I'm still in the nude it seems. So I turn towards the cot and see my clothing there so I walk towards it and quickly dress back up before turning back to her.

(Y/N):"I'm sorry for my appearance there. I honestly had no clue that I was still indecent under the covers, I was a bit more concerned about my...injuries."

Kagero:"It's quite alright. Just don't make a habit of it otherwise there will be problems."

(Y/N):"Trust me, this is something that won't happen again. Not on purpose, anyways."

Kagero:"That will have to do for me, I suppose. But you asked about what happened, and all I know is that apparently Lady Sakura walked by the prison when she smelt something horrid. That led her to try and find the source, leading her to your window and seeing you being hung by your hands with blood slowly coming out of your body from several spots, and other ones that had already completely sealed up from your blood hardening."

(Y/N):"I see, and from there it's safe to assume that she went and got someone or several people to get me?"

Kagero:"She went and got the closest ones, and that happened to be Keaton and Kaden. Keaton ripped out the window and some of the wall in order to gain access to you and from there, you were transferred to her and fixed up. Though you may have some scars that won't go away as a result, it should be safe for you to remove the bandages on your hands to see if this is true."

(Y/N):"Thank you, Kagero." I then slowly unraveled the bandages around my hands, one at a time until they both were free from their cloth prison. Unfortunately it seems what she said was correct, my hands had pretty bad scars from those hook going through them, or whatever Camilla used to hang me there. "Well...at least it's only this, it could of been much worse."

Kagero:"I would have to agree with you there, but if that's all. I was sent to see if you were awake, and if you were, to gather you for combat as we're heading on out." I nod and then grabbed my weapons that were laying by the bedside, and put them in their respective places.

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