The Puppet King

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Hey guys, it's Kitsune Knight once more, how are you all doing today? I'm bringing you all yet another chapter as well! I do hope you all are going to enjoy this one. I know we are growing towards the end of this book after all so if you have any other requests, please be sure to put them down below otherwise they'll go unanswered and unrequested at the end! Anyways, how about we get this chapter started, yeah?


I started to wake up as I felt the sunlight pierce through the window then, I groaned as I sat up and then felt that there was someone else in my bed. I turned my head and saw Kana there which I then shook my head. "Right... she wanted to sleep here last night... I let her do so." I did then slowly get out of bed, ensuring to have the gear I need on to be actually on me then before turning my attention then to Kana and moved to gently rouse her from her slumber. "Hey Kana, it's time to get up now.

I watched the as she groans but slowly opens her eyes and looks up at me. "Good morning papa. How... did you sleep?" She yawned then as she slowly stretched and sat up before getting out of the bed.

I smiled as I gently pulled her close for a hug. "I slept fine, Kana. How did you sleep?"

Kana:"I slept fine, papa! Though are we going to go get some breakfast?"

"Yeah, we will. Though I'm more concerned about the games that Selkie has in mind afterwards... assuming she remembers."

Kana:"Well Selkie does remember her games but I don't think she'll do it first thing in the morning, papa." Though then a knock sounded at the door before it swung open to reveal Selkie there with Velouria in tow.

Selkie:"Hiya mister (Y/N)! We're gonna play together, right? You said you would!"

"I... never said that about today but... yes, we can then if you really wish to."

Velouria:"Famous last words right there..." She did let out a faint chuckle then as well.

"I won't die from that, Velouria." I shook my head there as I motioned for Kana to get dressed as I headed outside then. "We'll wait for Kana to be ready though before we can begin."

Selkie:"Okay! The more people the better after all! I don't mind waiting a little longer!" She giggled then as her tail flaps about a bit. Though she wouldn't have to wait too long as soon enough, Kana did come outside then.

Kana:"I'm all set, papa!" She did let out a soft giggle as she ran up and hugged my side, which I in turn gently rub her head as well.

Selkie:"Now we can play a game! This time... I'm gonna count so you all go hide!" She grins as she does then close her eyes and started to count.

Kana gasps as she then runs off in a random direction. "Well... suppose it's time to hide then, eh?"

Velouria:"You seem to have the same thoughts I do. Well yeah, hide somewhere... it'll take her some time, but she'll find us eventually." She then wanders towards some hills nearby.

"Well... good to know..." I then decided to head on over to the forest, figuring that was probably the best spot I can hide is in there. I would keep wandering around until I found a sort of hollow tree before I sort of squirmed my way inside then and sat down within the hollow tree.

I waited underneath that tree for quite a while before I heard the sound of several footstep then with Kana amongst them with her voice calling out. "Papa, are you in here? You're the last one left!"

Selkie was still eagerly trying to find him as she glances around a smidge as well. "He is in here, I can smell his scent in here but I... can't figure out where... exactly."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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