Maze of a Father's Making

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Hey guys, it's KitsuneKnight here and I'm back with yet another chapter of Fire Emblem Fates. I hope you all are doing well and are having a fantastic day in turn! Though I know you all didn't come here to read my ramblings so how about we get this chapter started?


I felt the sunlight soon dawn upon my face from my window, causing me to groan as I slowly opened my eyes and got out of my bed then. I'd start to stretch and ensure my body was fine before I'd put on my equipment, ensuring it was all fastened to my body before I walked out of my little hut.

I headed towards the Mess Hall and would grab myself something to eat then, some eggs and bacon made from some other type of animal. I didn't decide to ponder what animal it was made of as I just grabbed myself a rather large helping and went to a table by my lonesome and sat down.

I wasn't alone though for too long however as Selkie, Velouria, and my own daughter all came to the table I was sitting at then before Kana started to speak. "Hey Papa, why were you sitting by yourself? Don't you want to sit with everyone else?"

"Ah, Kana, I... don't normally sit with the others since my presence unnerves quite a few of them. Only... a few of them seem to be fine with me such as that Charlotte or... whatever her name is."

Velouria:"You mean the lady with the two faces?" I glanced over at Velouria as she spoke then. "She... shows it a lot with the other women here but shows her other face to the men."

"Yeah... that's the lady there. She's not bothered by me, nor is Corrin. I know I irritate Hinoka with my entire being which... I enjoy. I won't lie about that. Though Azura seems... fine with me as well. And I do owe her for... helping me regain my sanity. I didn't realize her songs could also affect Leviathans for that matter."

Kana:"Yeah, I know momma keeps her close. She tells me that she's my auntie."

"Well... she is your aunt given that... Corrin's mother was... Azura's mother's sister. Though what... do the three of you want though?"

Selkie:"We thought you were lonely and wanted to keep you company! I was thinking maybe after we all eat, we could play a game too! We could jump off a few cliffs, roll down some hills, or play hide and seek!"

"Seems like you have a lot of ideas for passing the time. However I think we should save such ideas for after our march today. If... all goes well, then I'll play with you all after our march today."

Selkie:"That's a promise, right?!"

Velouria:"Well Mister (Y/N), I hope you realize that you got her hopes up. She'll hold you to your promise too then."

Kana:"Well at least the games can be fun! I wanna play with you too so count me in!"

Velouria:"Well... I could find some treasures so I suppose I'll join for that matter."

"I... well you all talk rather quickly, but sure, yeah. I promise I'll play with you all after our march, you have my word on that."

Selkie then shouted in joy as she jumped up. "YAY! Okay, I'll come get you after we're done today!" She then ran out of the Mess Hall, she certainly is rather energetic.

"Well... I'll be heading to the gate. I presume we're about to march..."

Kana:"Okay papa! I'll meet you there! Come on Velouria, lets go catch up to Selkie!" She then ran off with Velouria walking after her. I can see that Velouria is the more level-headed one out of that trio.

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