Chapter 12 | Grace

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After we finished our tacos the rest of our friends came over and we went and hung out in the office. I'm starting to feel more comfortable with Joey and Katie now along with the others so I relaxed and had a good time, for a while I was even able to keep my thoughts away from Tyler.

However that didn't last too long, shortly after being in the officeJoeys phone rings, he answers it and stands up.

"Hey! How's the race?"

He walks to the corner of the room to continue the call away from us and Katie looks at me lifting her eyebrows up and down. I shake my head and feel myself blush slightly. I know he's talking to Tyler, it doesn't mean anything.

Alley smiles at me and then sits up in her seat.

"alright so what are we doing this weekend?"

Katie bounces in her seat "oh yeah! We're going to go shopping since Grace doesn't have a bathing suit!"

Alley looks at me "alright! I'm down"

She nods to the guys "are you guys going to come?"

They both shrug, but Ricky answers "sure"

Katie turns towards Joey "hey joey!"

He holds up his phone as if to say he's busy, but Katie ignores that.

"you coming shopping this weekend? Grace needs a swim suit!"

Joey smiles, nods, and winks at me which immediately gets a reaction from the rest of the room.

"oooh" Alley smirks "she's blushing"

Joey rolls his eyes and turns around finishing his phone call. I let the heat in my cheeks settle, Joey likes to flirt, but he doesn't make me feel the way Tyler does.

I go home fairly early to finish up the last of my 11th year work. So that this weekend I could hopefully start on my college classes next week.

When I get home I walk to Leo's office and knock on the door lightly. I don't want to talk to him but I have to start my classes at the college soon so I need to.

Leo calls out from within "come in"

I open the door and step into his office slightly. He's sitting behind a large wooden desk and lifts the glass of scotch to his mouth. I remember my dad drinking that same drink and shake my head not wanting to think about the way he acted when he drank.

Leo places his glass down and crosses his arms.

"did you need something?"

I nod and bit my lip "um yeah, I finished my classes"

Leo quirks a brow "already?"

I nod and scratch at my arm nervously "y yeah"

He smiles. It's different then last time this smile is a pleasant one, surprised and almost impressed.

"Wow, well we can go this weekend to the college and meet with the dean"

He looks back down at his work and I play with the hem of my shirt.

"u uh, I was going to go s shopping tomorrow"

Leo seems calm and hums "okay we'll go Sunday then"

I nod "t thank you" he looks up from his papers and looks at me expectantly I quickly correct myself "thank you Leo"

He nods satisfied and looks back to his work.
I hurry out of his office and go up to my room. I lay in my bed on my phone, Katie added me on Instagram today and I had been looking at her many photos. A lot of which are at the beach or the diner with Alley or the others. I scroll to a picture with Tyler in the back ground sitting on the hood of a truck laughing at something it appears Joey whose standing next to him said.

Not My Kind Of People Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ