Chapter 9 | Tyler

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My bedroom door bangs open waking me up and I'm immediately on guard. I look up to see Katie whose mouth is open in shock but quickly morphs into a grin.

"You totally boned!"

I narrow my eyes "Katie shut the fuck up, you're  going to wake up Grace!"

She looks at Grace and rolls her eyes putting her hands on her hips

"Are you kidding, be quiet?! You're sleeping with my friend Ty!"

I shake my head pissed she's ignoring me and being her typical loud ass self.

"no you dipshit! We didn't sleep together! Grace had a nightmare and asked me to sleep in the room with her. This..."

I gesture to myself and Grace.

"happened throughout the night"

Katie crosses her arms and raises a brow.

"why didn't you have her sleep in my bed?"

Fuck me, that was the only question I didn't have an answer for. I didn't put her in Katie's bed because I wanted her in mine, but I wasn't about to tell Katie that.

"I don't know Katie, my room was just easier"

It's complete bullshit and we both know it, but I'm not going to tell her I wanted Grace with me, that I was a selfish bastard, so I lie.

Katie rolls her eyes "whatever Ty, don't fucking sleep with her, she's not one of those girls"

I grit my teeth, as if I don't already know that.

"Fuck off Katie"

She shakes her head and leaves my room closing the door behind her, but it doesn't matter Grace is starting to wake up. Her eyelashes flutter and a moment later her eyes open, she looks up blinking at me. I know the minute she realizes where she is because her cheeks fill with colour and she quickly pushes herself up off my chest.

"sorry! I got drunk last night?"

She says it almost as a question and I nod smirking as I tease her.

"Yeah, you did shit faced completely"

Her mouth drops open believing me.

"Oh no! Really?"

I chuckle shaking my head and sitting up.

"Nah, you were just a little wasted you're fine"

She breaths out a sigh "oh good, I only remember pieces, my head hurts"

I nod "Katie can get you some Tylenol"

She looks up at me mumbling a thanks and looking around my room.

"sorry I slept in here"

I lift a brow "why?"

She peeks up at me "I slept in your bed..with you"

I nod interested in what else she has to say because it's obvious she slept in here with me. I don't see why she's apologizing.

She almost whispers "I've never slept in bed with anyone.."

I feel a sense of possessiveness when she says that and immediately have to shut it down. That's why she's apologizing things like this are important to her, they mean something. It doesn't mean anything to me. I shake my head and let my eyes trail over her instead, distracting myself, but they narrow when they land on her hips.

My shirt has ridden up and the skin just above the waistband of her underwear is graced with bruises?

"Did.." I pause my eyes drilling into them "did I give you those?"

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