Chapter 11 | Grace

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I woke up and the first thing I do is call Seth back, I feel so bad I fell asleep on him, I mean he's used to it, but it's different now, he can't just walk over and tell me off.

"Hey!" I say cheerily, I want my conversation with Seth to be a good one and although I'm going though some stuff here, I don't want him to worry about me.

He yawns "hey, Gracieee" his voice is groggy from just waking up and I smile imaging his bed head.

"how's soccer? School? Your parents? Sarah?"

Seth chuckles "damn, I didn't miss your overeager energy"

I pout my lip despite him not being able to see it "heyyy, that's not very nice I'm a delight"

Again he chuckles "whatever you say, but to answer your questions, school is school nothing exciting just wrapping up the year to get out of there you know, Soccer is good winning so far we have championships in a week the boys are looking good this year and hate to brag, but I think I might get captain next year"

I roll my eyes "well considering you're junior captain this year I wouldn't be surprised"

He gasps "wow it's not because of my skills?"

I quirk a brow "what skills?" I laugh to myself when he acts highly offended.

"you doubt my skills? I'm sorry Gracie I just don't know if I can keep this friendship going"

I roll my eyes "shut up stupid, how are your parents?"

He laughs "they're good, I swear they miss you almost more then I do, but I mean they've always liked you more then me"

I laugh again because it's an ongoing debate "they do not!"

He scoffs "Grace, I swear if it wasn't for you my mom would forget I live here, since you've been gone she hasn't made cookies once!"

I shake my head "that's because I always helped! Have you offered to help make cookies Seth?"

I know for a fact he's rolling his eyes

"yeah yeah, she could still make them she's a grown women"

I sigh "you're unbelievable sometimes"

Seth chuckles "whatever, anyway how are you?"

I smile lightly trying to make sure I don't sound too excited, but happy enough.

"I'm good, I've been making friends we went to dinner and I went to a party"

I bite my lip worried for his reaction.


I smile "it's true!"

He laughs way harder then needed "I can only imagine Gracie! you at a party? send me a picture next time!"

I huff "nah I'll pass, anyway don't think I forgot, how's Sarah?"

He quiets down "we broke up, it just wasn't working. I did like her don't get me wrong, but she was too much into the girly cute coupley things and I just wasn't"

I hmm to myself "I thought that's what you wanted?"

He sighs and I can just see him leaning back in his desk chair scratching the back of his neck "I did to, but I guess not I'm looking for something different"

I yawn "well I'm happy to hear it wasn't a terrible breakup"

I try to think of another topic, anything to keep it off of me, but Seth beats me to it.

"so I saw your mom at the store yesterday, she's been pretty quiet lately hasn't really come over to talk to my mom or anything"

I feel my brows knit together concerned "oh really? Maybe it's just been a busy week for her"

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