Chapter 8 | Tyler

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I've been keeping an eye on Grace all night. I didn't want Katie to bring her in the first place, let alone dressed the way she is.

Don't get me wrong she looks hot as fuck and I got a fucking hard on the minute she came out in those clothes, but that doesn't mean I want her here, dressed like that.

I knew Katie would do this, get her drunk and not pay attention to her. Katie means well, but she just wants to have fun and Grace is innocent. She's never even been to a party before let alone drank, she already let some fucker pour her a drink.

I watch as she has a shot and then another, crossing my arms and leaning against the wall annoyed I'm even here in the first place, but I won't leave. Not when she's here like that.

Joey walks towards me and I just ignore him, he's been an ass lately always flirting with Grace and making her uncomfortable. He calls her fucking "Gracie", anyone with eyes can see she hates that.

"Yo Ty why're you just standing around? Have a drink or something?"

I shake my head "not feeling it tonight"

I keep my eyes on Grace as I speak, Katie's trying to get her to climb on a table and dance with her. I hate to say it, but I think she might actually do it.

Joey chuckles "Can't keep your eyes off her, huh?"

I clench my jaw and scoff.

"someone's got to make sure she doesn't kill herself"

Joey laughs "she'll be fine, plus it's not like you care right?"

I turn to him irritated. I treated Grace like shit the last little while, but it's because I'm bad news. Not like "I don't deserve her bullshit", but I'm genuinely bad news and we all know it. I wouldn't hurt her, but I'm not good for her.

I could tell the minute I laid eyes on her she was a good girl. She's too innocent, too sweet, too smart and I'm too used to girls falling for me, wanting the whole white pickett fence kind of love and that just isn't me.

I tried it, I fucked it up. It won't happen again,

It becomes a whole mess when they realize I can't be what they want. So it's easier if I just don't let them like me in the first place, but that doesn't mean I don't care about Grace, because I do.

Unlike most girls she's sweet and despite my efforts to make her not like me she still treats me like everyone else. I keep finding myself letting my act slip.

"I don't like her, but that doesn't mean I want her to get hurt, I brought her here so it's my fucking responsibility"

Joeys face contorts into a huge smile.

"that's the stupidest shit I've ever herd"

I roll my eyes irritated that he's calling my bluff.

"dude piss off" as I say this his eyes flick behind me.

"Oh Shit maybe you're right and someone does needs to watch her!"

I turn immediately and discover that Katie apparently had convinced Grace to get up on the table, but that isn't my issue. Its the two guys currently trying to convince her to get down.

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