Chapter 6: A Lil' Bit O Angst

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"Ahh, sorry Y/N. Can I talk to you real quick before you leave," I asked, nodding my head to the left near an empty corner of the hallway. She agreed and asked her friend to wait at her car for her as we walked to a quieter spot. I shoved my hands in my pockets because I was already itching to touch her again, and god she smelled so good.

"So what did you want to talk about? Did you want me to come over again today to work on the project," she asked.

"Well I was thinking about that, and to make it easier to find a place to meet, I was thinking we should just meet in the school library here after school twice a week to work on the song," I said. I could see confusion spread on her face as I said this, and I knew that my suggestion was a bad one that made no sense. How are we going to be able to practice composing a song together in a place where we had to be quiet, with no access to musical equipment? It was the first place I could think of that was a space we were both familiar with that had a lot of people, which would force myself to behave and not give in to my urges. Granted, I envisioned taking her on the now unused card catalog filing cabinet down a quiet aisle, but I knew the reality of actually doing that and getting away with it was slim, so for now the library was the best choice as a safe place.

"Are you sure the library is the best place though? Not much privacy," Y/N said.


"Well, I was thinking we could go over the lyrics to your song and discuss the music that would best accompany the words first, and discuss how we wanted to present it to the class. Once we have the more important details ironed out, then we can actually find a piano and quiet space to practice. The library also has quiet rooms we can use, where people there can't hear us," I said. Luckily these quiet rooms were in the middle of the library, separating the adult and teen sections, and had half walls – meaning the bottom half of the walls were wood and the top half were a Plexiglas material that was see-through. I could technically be alone with Y/N as we worked on the sheet music, but not feel tempted as people could see in and we could see out with no difficulty. The rooms were muffled enough where she could sing a note here or there and not be overtly loud to those passing by.

She still looked somewhat puzzled but agreed to my suggestion. "Want to meet Friday then, since we met yesterday and you mentioned meeting twice a week," she asked.

"Oh, sorry I can't Friday. I have plans that day. Let's just plan to meet up after school on Monday, okay? I will take the next few days to work on some ideas I have for the music component, and then I can bring them to you when we meet. Sound good," I asked. I knew that I was really pushing it, as it was only Wednesday, and I was pretty much putting her off for another 5 days. It was needed though, I needed to get myself in check.

"Oh... well okay then. I gotta go but thanks again for the food, my mom loved it. I'll get the containers and bags back to you tomorrow," Y/N said, obvious disappointment on her face. I wondered what she was thinking as I had a suspicion I was letting her down somehow. My eyebrows furrowed at this thought as she gave me a fake smile and a wave, heading out to the parking lot. I couldn't very well tell her my true reason for creating this distance between us, but I didn't want to make her feel bad either. When it came to her, I had the urge to do everything in my power to make her happy. I decided to let it be for now, and I turned to walk back to my locker.


I walked out the door still puzzled at the exchange between Yoongi and I. Did I do something wrong? He didn't want me to come over his house again, and he is not wanting to meet any time soon. In fact, he is too busy to see me on Friday. Did he have a date Friday night or something? Is this why he is acting this way, because he met someone? He was so flirty with me yesterday, though. I don't get it.

Chasing Yoongi | M.YG x Reader FFTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang