Chapter 8

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Where am I? I look left to right, up and down to study the room I'm in. I'm in an empty room with a lot of crumpled papers on the floor. I continue to roam around when I was interrupted by a faint cry. It came from the door beside me. I slowly walk towards the door and heard a weak voice...

"Why is this happening to me? I hate myself, I hate my life! I need to make contact with Macy again... although I believe that she had forgotten me already.. i don't want this to happen to her.."

As I was listening to her, I clumsily tripped and made a loud noice. Why does this have to happened now?

"Hello, is someone there? Anyone? or maybe is it... Macy?! please let me out of here! I need your help!"

"Are you Meagan?" I called out.

"Yes I am!"

"Well the door is locked Meagan! Where's the key?" I replied.

Suddenly, there was a sound of a door opening from below. Somebody has just arrived. That somebody is the one who locked Meagan...

"Macy, you have to go! She's here... you need to go before she goes up here. Till we meet again, Macy. I hoped you'll remember me.."

I was awoken by my alarm clock's ear-piercing sound. I turned it off and got up off my bed. Who's Meagan? I think I know her? I set aside the thought. I guess it's back to school. ugh... I went to my bathroom and took a shower. Put on my outfit and gently brushed my hair. I noticed the ring again. Why do I feel like using it again? It's tempting me... No, no, no! I need to refrain myself of using it. I rushed downstairs and head towards the dining table. Yummy... Today's breakfast is bacon and egg. I quickly get a piece of bacon and egg and ate them happily.

"Oooh... my favorite! There was a saliva dripping at the corner of Ethan's lips.

"Ethan, would you mind to wipe that saliva off at the corner of your lips? It's disgusting!" I said giving him a tissue.

"Sure" He wiped the saliva off and place the tissue on my pants.

"Ethan!!!" I threw it to his face.

"You're so mean!" He argued.

"So I'm the one who's mean?! you were the-

We were cut off by mom's cough.

"It's 7 in the morning and I hear the two of you fight? gosh... I thought you both have got matured.."

"Mom, Ethan started it he put-

"Do not explain it and just finished eating your breakfast. you're going to be late." mom scolded.

"Haha. Macy got scolded!" Ethan teased.

"Ethan, are you going to stop or not?" Mom butted in.

"Yes, mom."

I smirked and finished my breakfast.

"I'm going to school now since someone is slow in eating his favorite meal!" I said happily and kissed mom to say good bye. I rode my bike on the way to school. I arrived just in time. Tsk. Ethan's late.. mwahaha! I parked my bike to the bike stand and enter the school. I went to my first class which is Math. My favorite subject forever. I silently murmured sarcasticly. The school bell rang. It's break time! Hooray! I went to my locker and returned my books. I scanned the corridor to expect to see my two best friends but they're not here. I'm a loner. Guess I'll just head to the park at the back of the school. I sat down on the bench and ate an apple from my bag. I once again noticed the ring. Ughh. It's tempting me to use it. well maybe I can use it again...

"I wish that Hazel, Franz and I will get the highest grade in the History project." the ring glowed in a bright yellow color.

"I wish that Hazel's sister, Hylla will be well by tomorrow." the ring once again glowed but this time in a red color like last time.

The school bell rang. The break time's over. Time to head back to class. History's next! As I enter the classroom, Two persons blocked my way.

"Hi, Macy!" Hazel greeted me.

"Hazel! Long time no see! So is Hylla better?"

"She's good as new!"

"Hi, Macy!" Franz mimicked Hazel. Hazel slapped in on the shoulder.

"Franzie boy..." I teased.

"You didn't just called me-

Franz has stopped mid-sentence as he saw Mr. Vasquez.

"May I pass?" Mr. Vasquez asked.

"Uhh of course, sir. Sorry for blocking." We all let sir pass and went to our seats.

"Class, I'm very impressed of all your History projects but only one caught my attention. It's Macy's group. They got the score of a ninety-six. As I call the leaders of each group, please get your History project here." Mr. Vasquez announced.

"Psssst! Macy! We got the highest score! Oh yeah!" Hazel cheered.

"It's all thanks to me, actually." Franz butted in.

"You're so arrogant, Franzie boy." I replied.

Hello beautiful people! So what do you all think of Chapter 8? If you noticed, I made it longer since our Exam Week starts next Monday and I need to concentrate! So please wish me luck? and please keep on voting or share it to your friends? you can also leave comments and give suggestions! I'll appreciate it a lot! xoxo Mika :)

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