Chapter 14

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I focus my eyes on the moving surroundings as the car speeds to Hazel's house. We don't exactly know where the old lady's house is. What we only know is it's near Hazel's house, according to what the old lady told me the first time we met. It could be anywhere around their neighborhood. Meagan didn't left me with any clues, I hoped she did. All that matters to me now is saving her and my loved ones. I want the curse together with the old lady so much to be gone, to put my loved ones into safety. I will miss living this happy life of mine. Where I go to school, hangout with Hazel and Franz, shopping, playing soccer with Ethan, helping mom in her clothing shop, riding my bicycle and many more. I have such wonderful family, relatives and friends, I couldn't ask for more. Enough with these thoughts! I should only be thinking of my plan. I'm trying to replace my sadness and fear with strength and courage albeit it's hard. I'm still not fully prepared to face the old lady. She sends chill down to my spine. Franz hit the brake of the car and parked in front of Hazel's house. Hazel came out of their house and hopped in inside the car.

"No need to worry about the old lady's house's location. I asked my neighbors about it and to my surprise, it's just 2 houses away from ours." Hazel told us. We moved our eyes 2 houses away from theirs and landed on a small wooden house.

"Ready or not, we need to go." I jumped out of the car and started walking to the house. I put my right hand into my pocket to grip foldable knife. I'll be needing you later. Hazel and Franz catched up with me.

"You'll not be facing her alone." Hazel said some words of encouragement. I glanced beside Hazel to see an unease Franz.

"Are you alright, Franz?"

"Yeah, let's go?"

"Okay this is it." We stopped at the front door of the house.

"Macy, we're going to miss you so much!" Hazel hugged me tightly, this will be the hug that I'll miss the most.

"Yeah..." Franz muttered.

I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I twisted the door knob and it opened. We entered silently and closed the door afterwards. The house is small inside and out. It only has one floor. A narrow aile with three doors. Two on the left and one on the right. Each of us took a door to open.

"One, two and three!" I signaled. We opened our assigned door. I got the kitchen. Franz got the bedroom and Hazel got the....

"Well, well. Looks like I have visitors. Looking for me? How did you get in? Oh! Must forgot to lock the door again. Come in!" The old lady greeted us. We entered the room. It was the sky blue painted room I was in my dream but where's Meagan?

"Sit down while I get you children something to eat." The old lady said. She went out of the room and headed to the kitchen.

"Guys, quick! Find Meagan before she comes back!" I yelled. We looked everywhere in the room but she's not there. That's when I remembered in my dream that the old lady dragged her to the next room which is the bedroom!

"We'll have to go to the bedroom." I told them. We sneekly went to the bedroom so the old lady won't see us. We opened the door and searched for Meagan. I noticed that the bed was moving. I crouched under the bed and found a tied Meagan. She was kicking the bed.

"Guys, help!" Hazel and Franz helped me to untie Meagan.

"Macy, you're here! Let's do it before she sees us!" Meagan said.

"I don't think so. Do you want your friend to die?" A voice came from the door. I turn around to see the old lady embracing Hazel in the neck with a knife near it.

"NO! NO! Please don't kill her! It's me that you want right? Please! Let her go! I'll do whatever you want!" I begged.

"Okay, okay. I'll let her go on three conditions." The old lady said.

"What?" I asked. Franz got closer to me and held my hand behind his back. He was slowly removing the ring from my finger and I locked eyes with him asking him what he was doing.

"First, I want you to kill your friends by wishing it on your ring. Second, I want you to kill Meagan using this knife and Third, I want you to kill yourself." The old lady said.

"No way.... " I noticed Franz moving close to Meagan and doing the same. What was he doing?

"Guess I'll have to kill your friend here."

"No! Please! Why are you even doing this?! It's not Meagan's fault! It's Ryden's. I know it's hard for you to lose Daiana but you don't need to include other people in your problem. The innocent ones are clueless of what you're doing. Please stop this." I begged once more.

"Macy is right. Please stop this. What you're doing is wrong and Ryden didn't mean to ignore you!" Meagan added.

"Stop! You have no idea how I felt! That's why I created these rings to curse the people who hurted me. I want them to feel the feeling of what I felt. Since I created it, I'm connected with it. So I know what happens whenever you were making your wishes. Why am I even telling you this? Enough. If you don't want to kill your friends then I would!" The old lady yelled.

"I don't think so, old lady." Franz said. Things happened too quickly. Franz held two sharp knives and destroyed the gems on top of the rings at the same time. The gems broke then Franz collapsed on the floor. The old lady released Hazel from her arm as she also collapsed on the floor. I knelt beside Franz and shooked his shoulders.

"Franz. Don't die on me! Wake up, wake up! Franz! Don't die on me...." I started crying. Why did he do it? This wasn't part of the plan.

"Hazel, call 911!" I yelled.

"Franz? Please don't die on me. The ambulance will be coming... please! Why did you do it?" I hugged him.

"Because I love you and I would do anything for the person I love. Stay strong, Macy. I love you..." Franz said his last words.

"No!! Franz!!!" I screamed. Meagan and Hazel comforted me as I cry. Hazel started to cry too.

"He really loved you. You're very lucky, Macy." Meagan said. I couldn't agree more with Meagan. He saved me. He's my hero. He loved me and I also did.

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