Chapter 6

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"Mommy, lets go!!" a little girl impatiently says.

The little girl went ahead across the street and her mother was in the middle of the street then suddenly......THUMP! Her mother slowly fell on the ground and mouthed the words "I love you, Meagan"

"Mommy, noooo!!!" (the ring that she's wearing glowed in reddish color)

And I was woken up by my phone's buzz. Why am I having dreams lately about this little girl?

To: Macy

From: Franz

Hey Macy. I heard what happened to Erisse.. I'm sorry... you okay? you want me to come there?

To: Franz

From: Macy

You don't need to.. yeah i'm okay..

To: Macy

From: Franz

Too late. I'm here. open your window.

Wait what? As soon as I finished reading the text. There was a knock on my window.

"Franz?! You do know that our house has a door?!"

"Well... nevermind. I'm here and I'm going to cheer you up." he says while wiping my tears.

"Aww... thanks Franz"

"No problemo! I think little Macy needs a hug."

"I'm not little!"

"If you say so."

"So where's Hazel?"

"Oh.. her sister is kinda sick."

"Oh I see..."

"Want to go to Erisse's burial?"

I didn't answer back.

"It's okay if you don't want to go.. I know you're not ready..."

"No. I'm ready and I'll go."

"I can go with you... if you want." Franz offered.

"I can use some com-

I was interrupted by Mom's screaming.

"Macy! Come down stairs immediately!"

"Yes mom! I'm coming."

"So... will I come down? your mother will surely be shocked to see me." Frank says.

"It's okay. Come on."

We went downstairs to see my mom and Ethan watching the news.

"Macy, come quick." As soon as she sees me, her face suddenly was in a shock impression.

"Hello Mrs. Chase. I'm sorry that I didn't use the front door. I was pressing the doorbell but no one was answering so I climbed to Macy's window."

"It's okay, Franz. Sorry about that."

"Mom, Macy and Franz! The news is back." Ethan says.

We hurriedly surrounded the TV.

"The plane crash at the America International Airport was truly a sad tragedy. Despite the sad tragedy, there was a old lady who survived the plane crash and she was also unharm and had no wounds. Well that's suspicious."

That's really weird. she's the old lady that gave me this ring. oh my gosh. are you kidding me?!

"Macy, is there something wrong?" Mom asks turning me back to reality.

"Ye- i mean no! i'm fine!"

"Little Macy's daydreaming again. you're probably thinking of how handsome am I, eh?" Franz teases.

My mom and Ethan chuckles.

"Oh Franz, as if!"

Hey guys! So I changed chapter 6 because i'm planning on something so stay tune ;) Please vote and read my story! Please feel free to comment!! Mika xx :)

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