Chapter 2

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I'm still bothered by the old lady's ring. The broken gem on top of it suddenly glowed when she murmured something.. I wonder if I'm the only one who noticed it... I was still thinking about it when my door suddenly flew open.

"Hey Cy, mom is asking for your help in cooking the dinner for the guests later. She told me that you should finish your homework first before you help her." Ethan said while touching my stuff (He always does that whenever he is talking to me)

"You could've knocked first? Okay, I'm almost done with these anyway" I showed him my homework and continued in answering them.

"Sorry my little sister!" He fakes a cry and I chuckled.

"Oh Ethan! Would you stop it? I punched him in the arm.

"Okay smartypants! You don't need to hurt me." Ethan stops his fake cry and messes with my curly brown hair.

"And would you please stop messing my hair? You're distracting me!" 

"Okay, okay don't be mad my little sista." Ethan presses my cheek and leaves my room. Even though he could be annoying sometimes, (well mostly..oh you get my point) I still love him.

I concentrated in answering my homework and in about an hour, I finally finished them all. I immediately wore my apron that I grabbed from my closet and went downstairs. I saw my mom putting the foods on the table. I guess mom's already finished with everything.

"Sorry Mom, is there still something I can do to help?

"It's okay dear, oh i forgot. Will you please get that tray with mango shakes near the stove and put it on the table of the living room?" I nodded. I took the tray and place it gently on the table of the living room.

"Thanks dear. You better get yourself ready because your father and his guests will arrive soon."

I went upstairs and wore my white with design tank top, shorts and sandals. I heard the doorbell rang which means that they're here. I knocked on Ethan's door and told him that the guests are here. I went downstairs with my brother following at the back. We greeted the guests and hugged dad. We all ate dinner together and my parents and the guests talked with each other about their business. I decided to have a short walk outside with Ethan since he insisted me that he wanted to come. The evening was so peaceful and quiet. All we could hear are the insects' buzz. The full moon, together with the shining stars made the sky beautiful. Ethan and I looked up to see the sky when I noticed a sound coming from the bush near us. I spotted an old lady with filthy clothes looking at me when she noticed that I saw her, she ran right away. I know her... She was the same old lady I bumped into a while ago. Was she spying on me? That's really creepy. 

"Cy, I think we should go now" 

"Yeah, It's getting late already." 

Hello guys! Thank you for reading my story. You can comment if you want. Please vote for my story :)  -Mika ♥

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