Chapter 4

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It's a windy sunday. I rode my bike on the way to the playground. I could already hear all the kids' laughter as soon as I'm about to turn right. Good thing I brought my ipod with me. I often go to the playground and sit on a red bench beside the tall tree. It's actually been my secret place where I think and relax. I'm almost near the playground when- TUD! I bumped into someone. It's the old lady.. oh know.. I'm suddenly feeling nervous..This is it. This is the 3rd time I bumped into her which only mean one thing.. "run Macy, run!" the young girl's voice whispered in my mind. I was about to follow her when the old lady pulled my hand. Her hand is as cold as an ice.

"Macy Chase, we meet again.." She grinned at me showing her ugly crooked teeth.

"How'd you know my name?"

"I overheard a friend of yours. The girl with hazel eyes and blonde hair (referring to Hazel, she was named after her hazel eyes) was talking to you through video chat with the handsome boy (must be Franz) yesterday. I just moved there so she probably didn't know."

"Oh I see, I'm so sorry for hitting you with my bike. I didn't mean to.. I really have to go!" I lied.

"It's okay. I just want to talk to you, please sweetie? It will just take a few minutes" She begged.

I hesitated but she wouldn't stop begging so sadly I gave in. I nodded and she grinned wider. Oh God please help me. She lead me to the basketball court just beside the playground. Nobody's there. We sat on the wooden bench. She kept on staring at me so I decided to look away. You can do this Macy, just don't accept the gift that she's going to offer you later. I murmured to myself.

"So what do you want to say?" I asked nervously.

"Oh nothing.. Do you see this ring? It's ugly but its function is powerful"

"No thanks, It's yours and I don't need it"

"But your wishes will come true if you wear this!" She insisted.

"Really?" I'm getting tempted in accepting it. no Macy, no.

"Oh yes! Anything you want! Just whisper your wish in the broken gem on top of it. I was tempting to get it now.

"Uhh... Ar-Are you sure there's nothing bad that's going to happen to me?

"Of course none! This is a wonderful ring that can grant your wishes!" She said cheerfully. Handing over the ring.

"Well thank you for the ring. You're a nice old lady. What's your name?" I grinned and accepted the ring.

"Umm. I don't want to say my name."

"It's okay. Well I gotta go now!"

"Bye dear..."

She seems to be a nice old lady. Maybe the girl from my dream is wrong. I'll ask my wishes together with Hazel and Franz at school tomorrow!

Old Lady's POV

I did it... You're going to suffer.. and you'll regret it little girl..Let's see those loved ones of yours die and you don't even know a thing.. hahaha!

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