Chapter 5

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"Macy! I'm going back to America today! Might drop by at your house! I miss you a lot!"

"Erisse! Really?! Miss you a lot too! See ya xoxo"

"See ya too! it's boarding time. Bye can't wait to see ya! xoxo"

"Bye have a safe flight!"

And I ended the phone call. I'm finally going to see my childhood friend again. It was 3 years ago since she last visited me. I can't wait to see her again! Miss her so much!

I stared at the ring that the old lady gave me. Time to test it out.

"I wish to have concert tickets and vip tickets to One Direction's concert this year."

The ring glowed in bright yellow color.

Then suddenly,

"Macy, did ya order 1D tickets?" mom shouted asking.

"I did!"

"Well it's here!"

"I'll get them later!"

Oh em. That did not just happen. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I FINALLY GOT 1D TICKETS!!!

Let's try another one.

"I wish that Erisse's new movie will be a big hit and will have a safe flight going back here in America."

The ring glowed again and this time it glowed in a red color. that's weird.

Well that's enough for today.

"Macy?!" The door flew open by Ethan.

"Why Ethan? What's wrong?!"

"I have a bad news for you. It's a-about Erisse...."

"What happened to her?!"

My brother didn't reply.

"Ethan, I said what happened to her?!" I screamed at him.

"Sh-She died at a plane crash..."

I was so speechless. Oh this was not a good joke. he's probably joking. yeah that's right. ohh he won't fool me.

"Ethan, this isn't a funny joke. I know you're joking right? Cuz you always fool around and likes to joke. Right? Well you can't fool me!"

"But it's true. Would I joke to you when it comes to Erisse? I can't accept it either! She's been very nice to me!" Ethan shouted back with teary eyes.

"If you won't believe me, check the news right now." He left the room running back to his and slam his room's door. I quickly turned on the TV and sat on my pink beanbag.

"There has been a plane crash at America International Airport. The engine had problems and left the plane falling from the sky."

"All were dead and one of them is the famous new actress named Erisse Jackson."

"This truly is a sad news for everyone especially for the fans of Ms. Erisse Jackson. Her movie was coming out this coming week." I turned off the TV to stop myself from hearing this news.

My heart felt like it had been shot by an arrow. Why? Why did this happened to my childhood/best friend?! Damn it! why?!?! And the tears started to stream down my face.

Then suddenly it hitted me.

The ring. this stupid ring caused it, didn't it?!

I am trying to remove it which I can't. Damn it, why can't I take it off?

"The ring will be forever stuck in your finger... you can never take it off... you have been warned by the young girl but you chose not to listen to her..." the old lady's voice speaking in my mind.

"So she was right after all! Why did you had to kill Erisse? She did nothing wrong! Why?!"

"It's not my fault, Macy. It's yours...."

Then her voice disappeared.

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