Chapter 3

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I'm warning you..When you see the old lady once again, run away. When that old lady offers you the gift, don't accept it. I don't want this to happen to you. Please.. You'll regret it in the end.. I'm telling you please.. a young girl, who seems to be in the same age as mine, whispers to me in a fearing tone..... I was suddenly woken up by the sound of the thunder. I got up from my bed and peaked through my window only to see a dark sky. The rain was pouring hard during a saturday morning. The sky was filled with dark clouds and the wind seemed to be very strong. I sat on my pink beanbag beside my bed and began to think about what the young girl in my dream said about the gift. What did she mean by "I don't want this to happen to you"? The old lady will offer me a gift that I shouldn't accept because l'll regret it in the end? I'm really confused.. Maybe I should ask for Hazel and Franz's help. I decided to do just that so I texted them:

To Hazel :

Hi Zel! I hope you're safe there in your house...the weather is bad. I really need your help with something...please go online on yahoo so that we can video chat there. Already texted Franz about this.

To Franz:

Hi Franz! I hope you're safe there in your house...the weather is bad. I really need your help with something...please go online on yahoo so that we can video chat there. Already texted Hazel about this.

My phone rang in about a few seconds and I saw 2 messages. Wow they replied fast. They even had the same replies:

Hazel and Franz: Okay! You can go online now :)

I stood up, went to my table, got my laptop and went back to sit down on my pink beanbag. I turned on my laptop and went online on yahoo and sent a group video chat to them. I can now see two faces in my screen.

"Hello best friends!"

"Hello!" Hazel and Franz both replied back at the same time.

"Are you guys like twins because you both had exact replies to my texts and now you're answering me at the same time?" I giggled.

"No we're not!" They both said at the same time.

"There you two go again. Anyway, Do you remember that old lady I bumped into yesterday?" I asked.

"Yes why? I found her strange" Franz commented.

"I agree with Franz, and?" Hazel asked.

"When Ethan and I went for a short walk yesterday night, I saw her hiding in a bush near us. She noticed that I saw her and she quickly ran away. Now, I just had a dream where a young girl warned me not to accept the gift that the old lady will offer when we meet again. She also told me that if I accept it, I'll be regretting it in the end."

Hazel and Franz had a shocked expressions on there faces.

"Well that's creepy" Hazel said, still in a shocked expression.

"Yeah but I think you should follow what the girl said in your dreams. She might be right." Franz said. Hazel nodded in agreement.

"I don't know..."

"Don't worry, Macy. We'll be here for you anytime and anywhere!" They both grinned at me.

"Thanks guys. You both are the best! Stay safe and take care! I have to go now my mom's calling, bye!"

"You too stay safe and take care!" Hazel and Frank replied back and signed off.

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