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"Why won't you talk to me?" I said in an exasperated tone once I had Monty trapped behind the curtains in the old drama room. I had texted him from a blocked phone number and pretended to be some random person needing to meet him here. Two days had passed since our interaction in class and he hasn't spoke to me since. We have two classes together but in the first one, I can't really try to talk to him because Scott's in there too so I have to pretend to be the good girlfriend who loves sitting with her boyfriend during class. In the other class we have together, I've tried to talk to him but he's made sure I can't sit with him and Winston again.. so I sit alone. He ignores my texts and phone calls and he hasn't come to my house at all. I don't care that he's bisexual but clearly he thinks I do. He won't even give me the chance to tell him that I don't give a fuck about that though. "I'm not not talking to you." He mumbled with a shrug of his shoulders, looking anywhere but at me. I rolled my eyes before responding. "You know good and well that you've been ignoring and avoiding me." I responded with a slight tone. I don't like when people try to play stupid. "It's a little harder now with you going to school here..." "No it's not. You could talk to me like a friend and you could talk to me in our class that we have alone together. You could also still come over every night, Scott would never know. You're avoiding me."  I interrupted his lie. He huffed and rolled his eyes but didn't say a word. He knew that I was right. "It's about what you said to me the other night, right?" I questioned timidly while taking a step forward. I tried to reach out for his arm but he immediately pulled back and started to walk away. "I don't give a shit, Monty. I don't care. I don't look at you in different." I said. He rolled his eyes and scoffed before trying to walk away again. This time, I ran up behind him and grabbed his arm to stop him. "I said I don't fucking care!" I raised my voice this time. I was getting irritated with the fact that he wasn't listening to me and really thought I was lying to him. He just stared at me so I did the only thing I could think of, I pulled him in for a rough kiss. He resisted at first but then melted into it. Our tongues battled for dominance. A second later, I undid his pants with one hand and then got on my knees. As soon as I placed his member in my mouth, he moaned out an "oh shit." I kept going for a few minutes until he pulled me up and connected our lips again. Then he picked me up and carried me over to an old desk and sat me down on top of it. He quickly pulled my jeans down to my ankles and started to play with my opening. I sighed into his mouth. He plunged a finger in and it was only a matter of minutes before I was a moaning mess. He removed his fingers and replaced them with his member. I loudly moaned at the feeling because it had been a good few days since I'd felt this. He went in and out of me quickly. He was pounding inside of me so hard, the desk was banging up against the wall. I gripped onto his neck tightly while he did the same to my hips. We were both loudly moaning and sighing until we heard the old drama room doors open. We both quickly silenced and looked at each other with wide eyes. "I'm telling ya, man. This is the best place for us to smoke." Scott's voice rang throughout the theater. "Obviously someone's fucking in here though, brother. Did you not hear that?" Bryce chuckled in response. Monty and I both panicked before pulling apart and quickly getting dressed as fast as we could, without making a sound. "Who gives a shit?" Scott laughed. "Let's catch them in the act." Bryce responded with a laugh. Montgomery quickly grabbed my hand and yanked me behind him as we both ran out the back door as fast as we could, especially once we heard their footsteps getting closer. We ran as fast as we could behind the school buildings until we finally found a good hiding place. We caught our breath for a minute before we looked at each other and busted out laughing. "That was a fucking close one." He laughed. I did the same while nodding. Once we silenced, I looked into his eyes. "Did that prove to you that I don't care about your sexuality?" I questioned. He started back into my eyes before softly smiling and nodding. "Thank you for that, Rae." He said sincerely. I smiled and nodded at him before smacking his arm and walking off. I made sure to sway my hips a little extra once I felt his eyes watching me walk away. I smiled to myself, happy that he trusts me again now.

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