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A/N: So these first couple of chapters I'm really just focusing on establishing Raelynn and Monty's relationship. Things will get deeper soon and the chapters will get longer 😊

One month later...

"I've gotta disagree with you there, Mon. Half baked is way better than moose tracks." I said to Monty with a giant bite of half baked ice cream in my mouth. "No fucking way, loser. Moose tracks is the" He responded with his own mouthful of ice cream. "The But yet you're calling me the loser?" I laughed while raising my eyebrows at him. He stared at me for a second before laughing himself and nodding. "Okay, you got me there, Rae." He chuckled. We both silently stuffed our faces with ice cream for a few more minutes. We needed some fuel after our very long sexual tryst. It was a Wednesday night and just like pretty much every night, Monty snuck in once my parents went to bed. I was living off very little to no sleep these days but I didn't care. We'd hang out all night, have sex a whole helluva lot, he would spend the night, and then he'd leave super early the next morning before my parents were even leaving for work. We never have to worry about Scott randomly showing up because he thinks that my parents are very strict and extremely light sleepers. My parents aren't super laid back but they're not super strict either, they sleep hard as rocks, and their room is all the way down the hallway away from mine so they'd never know if he showed up.. Scott doesn't need to know that though. The nights are my time with Montgomery. Our time to hook up and also our time to hang out. I feel more comfortable with Monty than I do with just about anyone else. As soon as we're locked away in my room at night, I feel the safest and most at peace that I do out of the entire rest of the day. I don't even have feelings for Monty, I just.. really enjoy being around him. He also gets me fired up like nothing I've ever felt before too. He drives me crazy but in a good way. I still feel guilty about what I'm doing to Scott but as each night with Monty passes, the guilt starts to lesson. I know what we're doing is wrong but it just feels like it's exactly what's supposed to be. "Ya know, I have a brilliant idea." Monty spoke up out of nowhere. I looked at him expectantly so he explained further. "What if.. just wait for it.. we both skipped school tomorrow?" He said while sitting up and looking at me with this cute little hopeful face. "I don't know, Monty.. how would that even work?" I asked. His face fell a little bit but he quickly hid it before sitting straight up to explain. "You tell your parents in the morning that you're super sick, I'll hide until they leave, my dad won't notice either way, and then we hang out allllll day long." He said with a giant grin, dragging out the word "all" as much as he could. I chuckled at his enthusiasm before responding. "Your dad really won't notice that you're not leaving for school in the morning?" I asked through a bite of ice cream. I watched his body noticeably tense before he quickly covered it up. "Na.. um.. he leaves way before me every morning." He shrugged his shoulders. I could tell that he was lying and something was off but I didn't press it. "Well in that case, why don't we go to your house instead? Get a change of scenery and..." "No!" He interrupted me loudly, causing me to jump in surprise. "Sorry, uh.. I just mean.. I um.." He kept stuttering over his words. "I like your house way better." He finally spit out. I stared at him unconvinced for a minute before finally nodding. "Okay, sure. We can do that." I said. As soon as the words were out of my mouth, he smiled widely and then tackled me to the bed, almost spilling my ice cream in the process. He took it from me as I giggled and put it on my bedside table before connecting our lips. I got too lost in his actions to question the way he was just acting about his dad and his house but I made a mental note to ask him about it at another time. For right now though, I just enjoyed feeling his lips and body against mine.

The Secrets My Four Walls Keepजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें