Two weeks later...

"Baby, can you just..." I interrupted Monty by helping him pull his shirt over his head and then gently pushing his injured arm through the short sleeve. He grit his teeth together and winced as I did that and then sighed in relief once I had it completely through the hole and he was able to put his arm back down. It's been two weeks since our wreck but we're all still in pretty bad shape and in a lot of pain because of how bad our injuries were and how many we each had on top of that. Pictures of the wreck spread around everywhere and people were honestly shocked that we were all alive.. especially the baby. Knowing what happened to us though didn't stop people from continuing to spread around our sex tape though and talk about it. It was sent to even more people and then it was spread around surrounding schools as well. Then it made its way to social media and went around there too. I'm mortified to say the least but yet, I'm still going back to school with everyone today. None of us have been cleared by our doctors to go back to school yet but we can't take being locked away anymore so we all decided to go back and suffer in pain together. Montgomery has stayed with me the whole time not only because he didn't want to go home and be around his dad and risk him hurting him but also because he genuinely wanted to be with me. Jessica got her dad to bring her back and forth between her house and ours but other than that, we've all been separated for two weeks other than the first night we all stayed together. During these past two weeks that we've been cooped up together 24/7, Montgomery and I have become even closer and fell even more in love. We're even more affectionate than we've ever been.. even behind closed doors in the past. Now that we're gonna be in front of people again, our friends and also our classmates at school, I was curious if he was going to continue with the affection and kisses and pet names or if he was going to keep it a behind closed doors or in front of just Justin and Jess thing. "Yall dressed?" Justin asked through my door after lightly knocking on it. "Yeah, come in." I called back before he opened my bedroom door and him and Jessica both drudged in. He limped in and Jessica came in on her crutches. "Well don't you two look cute." Jessica smiled once she saw that we had actually dressed like we normally would and not in sweats like we've been doing ever since the wreck. Monty was in a tight, red v neck t shirt and khaki shorts because getting pants over his cast is hard and then I had on a black tight v neck shirt myself with red shorts on because anything touching my stapled up leg at all killed it. My little bump looked super cute and I had put some product in my curly hair to make it look better and I had put on a little bit of makeup.. well, as much as I could over stitches. Luckily since I have eyelash extensions, I always look like I'm ready makeup wise. Jessica's hair and makeup was the same as mine and she also had on a cute outfit, of course wearing shorts herself because of her cast. And then Justin had on a t shirt and shorts too because his knee is all wrapped up and he has a medical boot on that ankle too. "Today is my first day without my ribs being wrapped.. do you think it will be okay?" I asked Jessica. "Bring the stuff with you." Monty mumbled in response for her. I glanced over and could tell that he was in a lot of pain right now. I nodded and limped over to my desk before shoving my rib bandages, my sling for my collarbone and sternum, and an extra ace bandage for my hand in case it bleeds through the one I have on there. For some reason, the stitches keep opening on the hand that I had originally hurt by punching out the mirror. Montgomery was struggling to put his shoe on so I went over and helped him before sliding my flip flop on one foot and my medical boot on the other that was sprained. I put my back pack on while wincing in pain before taking a deep breath and then grabbing Monty's bag and my purse. "Let's go." I said to all 3 of them and then limping out of my room. Montgomery and Jessica fell to the back because they're slower on their crutches and then we all struggled to get down the stairs. It's like we ran a marathon every time we walk down them. We finally made our way outside and tossed our stuff into the back of Monty's new jeep because we wanted to test it out since it's nice as fuck before I hopped into the drivers seat, Monty in the passenger seat, and then Justin and Jess in the back. "I'm driving on the way home." Justin grumbled and we all couldn't help but to laugh. None of us had driven since the wreck so I didn't really know how this was going to go. I crunk the jeep up and as soon as it started, my heart started to race. I couldn't let them know how I'm feeling though. "Okay." I whispered to myself with a deep breath. I didn't think anyone heard me but Montgomery's head shot towards me and he looked at me with concerned eyes. "Let's uh.. test out the radio." I forced a smile and reached a shaky hand out to turn it on. Justin and Jessica didn't notice and just started singing along to the song in the back but I could feel Monty watching me closely. I tried to ignore it but he wasn't stopping. I moved my shaky hand to the gear shift and then slowly backed out of the driveway. My heart was racing the whole time and I felt panicky. "Baby?" Montgomery whispered once he noticed my heavy breathing as we were driving down the road. "Not now, Monty. I can't look away from the road." I responded in a shaky voice and now my cousin and my best friend heard. "Rae?" Jessica pushed concerned while leaning up in her seat to look at me better. I kept ignoring everyone as tears were forming in my eyes and my whole body was shaking. "Hey, cuz. You good..." "Everyone shut the fuck up! I'm fucking driving!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, interrupting Justin. They all jumped and then Monty reached over and grabbed the steering wheel while we were at a red light. "Get out. I'm driving." He demanded and all of our eyes widened. I viciously shook my head as a tear made its way down my face. I really will panic with him driving again. "Mon, you can't drive yet.." "I am today. Get out, Raelynn." He demanded again before throwing open the passenger side door and painfully walking around to the drivers side. "I-I think I might freak out too if he's driving again." Jessica admitted in a shaky voice with tears in his eyes. "Me too. PTSD." Justin whispered in response. "I can fucking drive! I didn't wreck us because of something that was my fault!" Montgomery yelled after hearing them, causing all of us to jump. He stood at the drivers side while looking at me expectantly and he was not wavering. He looked pissed so I finally climbed over into the passenger seat and then once he was in the drivers seat and the light turned green, he took off. The whole way to school, we all gripped onto stuff tight and breathed deeply. Every stop, every turn, every time he sped up.. we all panicked. I noticed that Montgomery looked a little freaked out himself as well and he wasn't driving crazy like he normally does. Once we finally pulled into the parking lot, all of our friends were already there and waiting on us in their usual spots. They were standing by their cars in their casts, slings, and on crutches. They were all very visibly shocked once they saw that Montgomery was driving... and they were probably even more confused why the other 3 of us had our heads in our hands. We parked and all sat there for a second before we all let out a breath of air at the same time. "I didn't fucking wreck us." Monty snapped on all of us before climbing out of the car and then painfully snatching his crutches out of the back and sulking off. "Monty!" I called out but he kept going. "What's wrong with him?" Scott asked as they all limped or walked on their crutches towards us. "I think we hurt his feelings." I whispered and everyone looked at me confused. "I think we made him think we blame him for the wreck." I explained and everyone's eyes widened. "I didn't mean it that way.." "I know, I didn't either. But I don't think that he realizes that." I responded and everyone nodded in agreement. "I'm gonna go try to find him..." "Uh, Rae.. I um.. don't think you should go alone." Scott interrupted me sheepishly and I turned towards him confused. My eyes shifted around and I noticed that everyone who beat us here all were looking around awkwardly. "What's going on?" I asked timidly. "The um.. video.. it was sent around to everyone again but.. with sound this time." Sherri broke it to me as gently as she could. My eyes widened and tears filled them at the same time. At least whenever it was sent around the first time, the sound was somehow off so no one could hear anything. Now it was sent around all over again, refreshing everyone's memories, and they could hear our loud moaning, the things we were saying to each other,  and the.. uh.. noises. Juices, skin connecting, me gagging while giving Montgomery head, him practically slurping while eating me out, Monty's balls slapping against my ass. I couldn't remember exactly everything we said to each other in that video but I knew that there was both nasty shit said and also a lot of "I love you", "you're mine", "this is forever", "you're all I want", etc. said too. "How..." I stopped for a second to clear my throat before continuing. "How bad was it?" I finally got the courage to ask. My voice was raspy from trying to hold back tears. "I mean.. it's not bad in the grand scheme of things because it's two people who love each other having sex.. which we all do.. but.. when it comes down to an entire high school watching it and listening to the things done and said.. it's pretty bad." Bryce was honest with me and I was glad that he was so I could be prepared. Before anyone else could speak, people in the parking lot began noticing that I was there and started in with their crap. "Will you choke on my dick too, baby?" A guy yelled out to me. "Raelynn's got that wet wet." The girl standing next to him laughed. "Hey!" Justin yelled angrily but I knew that it was no use. "Don't waste your breath." I mumbled before turning and limping off towards the school, all of my friends right behind me. "God damn, look at that ass!" A guy shouted at me and now my vision was becoming very blurry from tears but I tried to keep walking and ignore everyone. "Sorry Scotty but if I was Monty, I would fuck the shit out of this hot little bitch too!" A guy yelled at us as we walked past him. I was trying so hard to hold in my sobs but it was getting harder. We made it into the school and everyone looked at us as we walked in and began whispering or continuing to insult me. I kept walking until I reached my locker. My friends surrounded me and I knew that they were trying to protect me. "Y'all can go to your lockers if you need to, its okay." I whispered while trying to avoid all of the people in the hallways staring at me and pointing. "It's no wonder she got pregnant! She's a little whore!" A guy yelled out through laughter. I bit my lip to hold back tears back one escaped. "Apparently she loves Montgomery but she'll get tired of him eventually too and then maybe one of us can tap that fine ass!" Another guy yelled and everyone in the hallway cheered. A little sob came out as I was putting my books away. I wanted to get out of here but because of being hurt, I have to move slow. "You guys' need to wait until she pops that baby out though. That's when you can fuck her real hard..." "Fucking enough!" Scott yelled at the top of his lungs, interrupting the girl. His angry voice echoed throughout the hallway and it caused everyone to temporarily silence. "Come on, Rae.. let's go to class." He said gently while pulling me away from my locker. "Scott's trying to win back that pretty pussy and fat ass!" The taunting starting again and everyone died of laughter. I turned around and now all of my friends were able to see that I was crying.. which I had hid until now. "You were right.. this is bad." I whispered to Bryce through tears and he looked at me sympathetically. "We can go home, Raelynn.." "No. I've missed enough school and I'm not letting them win." I interrupted Justin as confidently as I could. "But this is horrible. It's worse than last time." Jessica said tentatively but I shook my head. "They'll forget about it eventually. I mean.. I haven't seen it but it can't be that bad, right?" I spoke up through nervous laughter and all of my friends looked at each other. I nodded while clearing my throat awkwardly and looking down. "It is that bad.. okay." I whispered. "I'm still not leaving though. Come on, Scott. We're gonna be late and we have a project in biology." I muttered before limping off. I heard Scott whispering something to my friends before he eventually made his way next to me. The whole time, people were continuing to say nasty things to me but I tried my best to keep my head held high. We finally limped our way into biology class and then made our way to our usual table. The students who were already in the classroom started laughing and say stuff to us as soon as we walked in. I sat down with a deep breath and started taking my stuff out as I tried to bite back my tears. The more kids that made their way into the classroom, the more things were said to me.. and Scott too. "Raelynn, I really think we should leave..."No." I interrupted Scott firmly. He stared at me for a second before nodding with a sigh and then leaning back in his seat. I kept my head down and a few minutes later, the talking and laughing suddenly silenced. I recognized the sound of crutches so I chuckled to myself because I already knew who walked in that caused everyone to pause their taunting. "Thank fucking God." Scott muttered under his breath before standing up and limping towards Monty to help him with his stuff since he's on crutches. "I've been fucking looking for y'all everywhere." Monty said and I looked up and made eye contact with him. He sent me a sad smile and I returned it before moving my stuff so he could sit down. "I stayed with her the whole time, man. I swear she hasn't been left alone..." "I know, dude. You're good at watching out for her when I'm not around." Montgomery interrupted Scott and they looked at each other and softly smiled. Montgomery plopped down next to me and Scott sat back down on the other side. Monty wrapped his less injured arm around my shoulders and squeezed. "You okay?" He asked and I nodded. I saw Montgomery look at Scott for reassurance and Scott mouthed "It's been bad." to him. That caused Montgomery to pull my seat as close to him as he could before turning around to look at everyone in the class. "If anyone, and I mean fucking anyone, says another god damn word to or about Raelynn, I will literally beat the absolute fucking shit out of you. I'll fuck you up with my fucking crutches if I have to. Spread that shit around." He spat and all of their eyes widened because they knew that he was being honest. Injured or not, Montgomery is going to fight people and he's gonna find a way to win.. even if it's dirty. Scott chuckled and I looked at Monty with my eyebrows raised and amusement in my eyes. "What? No one fucks with my girl." He said seriously before pulling my head down onto his shoulder and then getting the rest of his stuff together. I was pleasantly surprised to see that he apparently is going to keep acting the way that we have been the past couple of weeks.. even though we're in front of people outside of Justin and Jessica now. "And this is what I've been waiting for for the past like, 2 months now." Scott laughed while motioning towards Monty and I. "Trust me, Scotty., I know. You never shut the fuck up about it." Monty responded to Scott in a laugh. So I was right, Scott seriously does want Montgomery and I to be together for real. He's telling the truth whenever he says that it doesn't bother him and that he believes that Monty and I are meant to be. He genuinely does support us and our relationship. "You really want us to be together now?" I asked Scott in a chuckle and he vigorously nodded. "I know it sounds weird as shit but.. I love y'all together. I think y'all are meant to be and you're having a kid together and I don't know.. I just want y'all to work. I wish I would've realized everything whenever you first came clean so that I could've been yalls biggest supporter from day one." He answered with a shrug of his shoulders. "That would've been a little odd but okay, Scotty." I laughed and he did the same with a nod of his head. The teacher walked in before anyone could say another word and immediately went to her desk. She put her stuff down and then looked up, directly at Monty and I. "Mr. De La Cruz, Miss Smith. Are you two going to be able to concentrate in class today or should you just take the day off?" She asked. She didn't sound angry or irritated at all.. she actually sounded sympathetic. Montgomery looked down at me expectantly and I nodded. "We're good." He assured her and she nodded with a sympathetic smile before going back to the front of the class. Her bringing it up got everyone going again. Montgomery went to stand but before he could, the teacher spun around. "As long as you're in my classroom, none of you will torment the two of them. Things happen and I would be willing to bet my entire salary that none of the rest of you have any room to talk or make fun. Understood?" She said firmly and all of the kids nodded with wide eyes. "Good." She said with a nod before starting the lesson. She finished up and then we worked on our project until class was over. We all had to part ways for the next class of the day and Monty stood in front of the doorway with me before I went in. "Text me if anything happens and I'll come over here, babe. Okay?" He said and I could tell that he was nervous about me going to this class with no protection from him, Scott, Justin, or any of our friends. "Okay." I said with a nod. He took a deep breath and nodded before leaning down and connecting our lips. He's never kissed me in front of anyone but our friends and that only just started over the past 3 weeks or so and it's not often. It made me feel good though.. amazing actually. We kissed each other deeply for a minute and then we pulled back at the same time and placed our foreheads together. "I love you, Rae. I'm right down the hall if you need me." He said and I nodded again. "I know. I love you too, Monty." I said and he softly smiled before pecking my lips again and then we parted ways. That class was rough. It was horrible actually. With no one in there to help me or instill fear into anyone, they really went in on me. I didn't let them see me cry though and I tried my best to keep my head up and my shoulders back confidently. By the third class of the day, right before lunch, I had had anything and everything said to me. I've now found out that I'm apparently like, very attractive in ways I didn't realize. I've also found out that my vagina is prettier than most girls.. who knew that's a thing? And I apparently give really good head. And I also found out that my moans and the noises that I make are just "oh so sexy". I've also found out that tons of guys are masturbating to mine and Monty's sex tape.. which is very uncomfortable but whatever. I've also now found out that Monty is even.. bigger.. than I realized.. according to all of these people. I knew he has a big dick but apparently it's more noticeable than I realized. And he apparently can "eat a mean pussy" too. And "knows how to fucking work that dick"... whatever that means. So now all of the girls want him even more than they already did. I was nervous that with all of this sexual attention, he's going to act on it and fuck as many of these sluts as he can. I know that I told him it's fine until he's more mentally stable but it doesn't mean I like it or want to think about it. I finally made my way into my last class before lunch, which I have with Montgomery and Scott. They were already in there and they smiled once they saw me walk in. "You made it through your first class of the day alone! How did it go?" Scott asked once I sat down in front of him and next to the desk that Monty was sitting in. "Um.. it was pretty fucking bad but I made it." I said honestly and they both nodded. "Did y'all know that I'm apparently like, extra fucking sexy and talented in many ways?" I asked with a joking smile on my face, trying to make light of the situation. "I also apparently have the fattest and nicest ass that any of these people have ever seen." I added next in a laugh. "Well..." Monty and Scott both said and we all busted out laughing. "You kind of do, babe." Monty said with a shrug and a chuckle, causing us to continue laughing. "I also have been asked by many girls and guys if I can started giving out blow job lessons.. I mean, some extra cash might be nice." I joked with a shrug and that really cracked the two of them up. "Rae!" Scott laughed. "I was asked if I could start giving out lessons on how to eat pussy.. we can team up and get extra cash." Monty joked and we all died laughing before Montgomery and I jokingly high fived, as if we were making a deal. "Man, yall are getting the good shit. I'm just being told how there was no way I could compare and now they understand why you left me for him and why you betrayed me." Scott laughed while pointing at each of us. We all kept laughing because we knew that Scott didn't really care and that he genuinely thinks it's funny. It felt really good to be able to joke and be light hearted about this situation now. We kept talking until class started and I was already feeling better about the situation. About halfway through class, the baby started kicking me in my still very sore ribs and it caused me to wince and bend over some in my seat. "Is she getting you good again?" Scott whispered from behind me once he noticed. I just simply nodded but before I knew it was coming, Monty pulled my desk closer to him and placed his hand on my belly and started to rub to calm her some. It's so weird how she instinctively knows her dads touch and voice.. and she gets going for him every time he wants her to but calms down whenever he wants her to as well. It's so intriguing but kind of beautiful at the same time. "I was just about to tell you to make your fucking mini me chill out." Scott whispered to Monty through laughter, causing us to do the same. Everyone says that the baby is going to be Montgomery's mini me both looks and personality wise. I was honestly shocked that Montgomery was openly rubbing my bump in front of everyone because he's never done that in front of anyone but our friends.. and he doesn't do it as often as he would really like to either in front of them just because he doesn't want them to start ribbing him about it or for it to embarrass me. I kind of liked this though. I leaned back in my seat a little bit as I took notes and he kept rubbing while watching the teacher up front. I glanced around and saw that a few students had noticed him rubbing my bump but they didn't make some huge debacle out of it like I thought they would. I could feel the baby kicking Monty's hand pretty hard and I chuckled to my self once I felt him pat back, almost as if he was telling her "stop it". It was funny but also very endearing. "Dude, I think she's a soccer player." Monty whispered to Scott in a laugh while turning around to look at him. "Let me feel." Scott chuckled in response with a roll of his eyes while leaning over his desk and then draping his arm over my shoulder to place his hand on my belly. He thought that Montgomery was being over dramatic. As soon as Monty moved his hand out of the way, Scott placed his hand on my bump and a second later, she started kicking his hand very hard too. "Oh shit!" He whisper laughed. He moved his hand over some and they both placed their hands on my bump while laughing hysterically but trying to be quiet about it. I didn't understand why this was so amusing to them but I laughed at their childish antics. "My daughter could kick your daughters ass.." "Yeah, I wouldn't fucking doubt it." They whispered back and forth to each other through laughter. "Mr. De La Cruz, Mr. Reed.. what the literal hell are you two doing?" The teacher asked with a chuckle and his eyebrows raised. They both paused their actions with their hands still on my belly and slowly looked away from each other and towards him. "I think my baby could kick anyone else's baby's ass." Montgomery said seriously and I looked at him like he had lost his mind as I laughed. This teacher has always been really cool. "Not my baby." The teacher played along through laughter while making his way towards us. "Do you mind?" He asked me while reaching out to touch my bump as well. "No, it's clearly a free for all." I laughed and he did the same before nodding and then reaching out and touching my bump. She kicked him hard as well and he laughed. "See, it's very entertaining!" Scott defended himself. All four of us, including our teacher, were laughing but the rest of the class was looking at us like we had lost our minds. "Wait, wait.. watch this." Monty said to the teacher while laughing before flicking me in the side of the bump. "Ow!" I wined and he rolled his eyes. "I do this all the time in your sleep and you don't even notice, shut up." He chuckled. I wondered what that was about until she started completely flipping her shit in there. She was kicking, punching, and rolling around everywhere. That's when it dawned on me. Whenever I'm sleeping, he does things to try to wake her up and get her going so that he can feel it. That's why she seems to recognize his voice and touch.. because he's literally spending alone time with her whenever I'm sleeping. "Oh, wow!" Our teacher laughed hysterically once he felt what she was doing under his hand. "Okay, okay. I think you're right.. your baby could kick my baby's ass too." He laughed before patting my belly and then squeezing Monty on the shoulder before walking back off to finish his lesson. Even once he got back up front and was talking, everyone still kept staring at us like we have three heads. "It's fucking cool. Turn around." Monty snapped and they all spun around so fast, they practically fell out of their seats. I looked at him with an amused smile on my face and our teacher chuckled with his back still turned while writing on the board, not punishing Monty for what he just said. "You're our side show attraction, not theirs." Montgomery joked while motioning between him and Scott, causing both of them to laugh and me to roll my eyes. "We're just messing, Rae. It's just really fucking cool." Scott explained while squeezing my shoulders from behind and then leaning back in his seat. I lightly nodded and settled back into my seat before deciding that I was actually going to pay attention now. Just a few minutes later, Monty's hand found its way back onto my bump. I softly chuckled to myself with a shake of my head and just continued taking notes and let Montgomery do what he wanted. "You're taking notes for me too, right?" He whispered a few minutes later and Scott chuckled from behind me. "Yes, Montgomery." I mumbled with a roll of my eyes while still writing. I know the routine by now. "Can I use them too, please..." "Yes, Scotty." I mumbled in the same tone, causing both of them to quietly laugh. "At least she's a smart side show attraction." Monty smirked to Scott while ruffling my hair, causing me to growl as they each laughed. I knew that they were just messing with me but sometimes my hormones cause me to get irritated quickly these days. "You're pissing her off, Mon." Scott whispered through chuckles. "Yeah, I always piss her off these days. Nothing new there." Monty whispered in response, chuckling himself. "Because you're fucking annoying." I snapped in a low voice, each of them looked at each other and started snickering. "Na, he's the same Montgomery that he's always been.." "You're just hormonal is all." Scott and Monty laughed one after another. "And I wonder why that is, asshole." I spat before turning my whole body away from him with a growl. I could hear them both laughing behind me and I couldn't wait to get away from them. A few minutes later, the bell finally rang and I jumped up as fast as I could while quickly grabbing my stuff. I stormed out of the class without another word to them and started heading down the halls and towards the cafeteria. As soon as people started noticing me, they started in with their taunting and sexual comments again. "Your tits look even better now that you're pregnant than they did in the video!" A guy yelled through laughter as I walked past. "Girl, you've got to show me how you can fit something that big into your mouth." A group of girls snickered. "Oh, Monty! Don't stop! I love you so much!" A couple cheerleaders and football players mocked me as I was walking past them. "Does your pussy get even wetter now that you're pregnant?" Another football player asked me with a smirk on his face. I almost started crying and quickly looked behind me in the halls to see if I could spot Monty and Scott but I couldn't see them so I took off back towards the direction of the cafeteria. "Oh yeah, right there, baby!" "Harder, Montgomery! Harder!" "You're all I want for the rest of my life! We're gonna be together forever!" People kept shouting at me as I practically ran down the halls. I finally reached the cafeteria and ran in quickly with my head down and tried to make it to my usual table. People who were walking past me all had something to say to me in one way or another. "Rae, please tell me you're willing to share." One of the girls from the cheer squad smirked as she walk making her way towards her table, referring to the fact that now everyone knows that Monty is both very skilled and very.. blessed? "He can do whatever he wants." I mumbled while trying to push past her. "You hear that, girls? We all have a chance! It's a free for all!" She yelled out to the cafeteria and all of the girls in there, other than my friends, started jokingly cheering. "What about you, babe? Is it a free for all for you too?" A baseball player stood up as he shouted to me from his table. "I'm not like that." I mumbled back while still walking, which caused everyone to start booing at me. I saw Justin jogging towards me and I silently thanked God. He reached me and took my bags before wrapping his arm around my shoulders and bringing me to our table. I sat down slowly and he took the seat next to me while rubbing my shoulder. "Where's Monty and Scott?" Bryce asked confused because he figured that at least one of them would be with me at all times, especially since we all have our last class together. "They pissed me off so I stormed out alone and it clearly wasn't a bright idea." I mumbled and my friends all nodded sympathetically. "How did they piss you off?" Hannah asked curiously while taking a bite of her hamburger. "They were calling me a side show attraction." I explained and everyone looked at each other and laughed. "What?" Chloe asked, confused. "The baby was kicking a lot and they were both getting a real kick out of it and then the teacher got involved and everything and it was just.. really fucking weird." I started out irritated but finished with a laugh once I realized that the situation in itself was actually kind of comical once I thought about it. "Monty told the teacher that he thinks his baby could kick anyone else's baby's ass and it just got really strange really quick." I laughed again and now everyone cracked up laughing at my words. "Holy shit, he's so fucking weird." Justin laughed with a shake of his head and everyone agreed. "What did your teacher say?" Sherri asked through laughter and I started laughing too. "Well at first he said that it wouldn't be able to beat his baby's ass but then he came over and started feeling her kick and everything and decided that she could." I laughed and everyone went hysterical. "I've gotta get in that fucking class." Bryce laughed and they all agreed. I suddenly heard people cheering so I turned around and noticed that Montgomery and Scott had walked in now. Monty rolled his eyes but Scott played into it, maybe thinking that that would make everyone stop, and he started joining in. "Everyone, please back away while I get my client to his VIP table." Scott called out to everyone in a joking voice, causing all of us to laugh. Monty looked at Scott with his eyebrows raised while laughing. They finally reached our table and Scott sat down next to Sherri while Monty sat down next to me. "Excuse me everyone while I scold one of my clients." Scott joked before looking at me. "I bet you really regret having a hissy fit and walking out without us right now, don't you?" He laughed with a smirk and I chuckled and nodded. Everyone was laughing at his jokes until the laughter died down because Diego approached our table timidly. Monty immediately wrapped his arm around the back of my chair in a protective way and Justin scooted in closer to me on the other side. We all glared at him while waiting on him to speak up. "I just.. I wanted to say that I'm glad y'all are back and everyone's okay after what happened. I'm really sorry guys." He said but we all just kept glaring. "And.. I wanted you guys to know that I'm not the one who did this this time. It had to have been someone super tech savvy and obviously that's not me. It's probably the person who I got the first one from." He said to Montgomery and I. I sat up in my seat and looked at him curiously. "Who?" I asked and he looked down with a sigh. "They hacked into both of y'all's iCloud accounts. They pulled literally anything there is to pull off of each of y'all's phones. Texts, pictures, videos, voicemails, everything.." "There's not anything else bad though." Monty interrupted him with a roll of his eyes. "I've seen it all. But it's still an invasion of privacy and I think they're planning on releasing pictures and texts and voicemails and stuff soon too." He explained. "Again, there's nothing else sexual on there, Diego. So it doesn't really fucking matter." Monty snapped but my mind started swirling. "How long ago did this person hack in?" I rushed out and Diego nodded at me, silently letting me know that I was on the right path. "About 4 months ago. They held onto the stuff for a little while." He explained and I saw the girls' eyes widen because they were catching on now too. "Who is it?" I growled. I was now furious because to me, releasing that voicemail of Monty's secrets was worse than our sex tape. If Monty wasn't such a strong person, he could've killed himself over that.. like plenty of people would have. Diego just kept staring at me so I dug my phone out of my purse and then snatched Monty's out of his pocket. I typed in the password on each of them and pulled up our iclouds to see what all there was. We have a lot of the same stuff but we also each have some different stuff as well too. I started scrolling through everything and noticed that there's more stuff talking about his mom that could be released. There's texts in there about us being arrested twice and my dad bailing us out, which no one knows.. not even Justin and Jessica. We were arrested twice. Once for having sex on the docks and another time because we went to a party that Winston got us into from his old school, Monty fucked a girl there and I lost my shit and beat her ass and then her best guy friend jumped in and hit me so Montgomery beat his ass. We both did a lot of damage to the two of them so we got battery and assault charges. "Ohhh." Monty's eyes widened as he was reading the stuff over my shoulder. "Y'all have more secrets?" Sherri asked in a chuckle but neither of us responded. "This is public record." I muttered, referring to our arrests. "But no one would look unless they were encouraged to." Diego explained and I nodded in understanding. "Public record? Are y'all secretly married or something?" Scott asked in a laugh and we both rolled our eyes. "Don't be stupid, Scotty." Monty mumbled. "Then what is it?" Jessica asked but we both shook our heads. "They're gonna find out soon anyways." Diego said before turning around and walking off. I kept scrolling through stuff but I could feel everyone's eyes on us. "What about that?" I asked Monty while pointing to a picture on his phone of us standing in my bathroom in nothing but our undergarments. He had me wrapped up from behind and the picture was in the mirror. "That's nothing." He mumbled with a shrug. "This?" I asked about a picture of his hand on my bump. "They already know." He shrugged again. I could feel our friends staring at us but I ignored them. I kept scrolling through pictures until I found screenshots of our mugshots from each time. I had screenshotted them and sent them to him so he could see. Our charges were listed under each one. "I look kind of hot though." Monty laughed, causing me roll my eyes. "Fuck it." I mumbled before sliding my phone across the table towards Jessica because she was sitting across from me. "Have a field day." I directed everyone and they all looked at me with crinkled eyebrows from confusion. I turned my attention back down to Montgomery's phone and then I heard Jessica and Sherri both gasp as the two of them were looking at my phone. "What is it?" Scott asked before Jess handed him my phone. "Holy shit." He busted out laughing. "Oh my God, Rae.. you're fucking smiling." Hannah laughed next. "Indecent exposure and public fornication? What the fuck is that?" Bryce asked in a laugh. "Are you dumb?" Monty asked Bryce as he looked up at him and rolled his eyes. "Where?" Sherri asked with a chuckle and amusement in her eyes. "The docks." I mumbled in response and everyone started laughing again while still looking over our mugshots. "We do that all the time! We've gotta be careful, babe." "Yeah, us too." "So do we." Jessica, Sherri, and then Chloe said one after another. "We've never done it at the docks but we have in other public places." Hannah added while referring to her and Zach. "Yeah, well, be fucking careful with that shit. Trust me." Montgomery said and everyone cracked up again. "What about the other one? Battery and assault? What happened there?" Jessica asked curiously as she handed me back my phone. I tensed at the mention of it because Monty seriously fucking hurt me emotionally that night by fucking some random slut at that party almost right in front of my face. I knew that he had sex with other girls and every once in a  blue moon Winston, but the fact that he literally pulled that girl in right in front of my face and then took her upstairs in front of me and fucked her.. it broke my heart. That's why I snapped and attacked her as soon as I saw them walk down the stairs of the house and into the living room. That and other reasons regarding her too. I was blind with rage and Winston tried to hold me back and calm me down but I was too far gone. What I didn't know until after the fact, was that he actually had a threesome with her and another girl but she was the only one that I saw go up and down the stairs with him. So once I found out that another girl was added into the mix as well, I lost my shit even more and tried to hit him in front of the cops and then I didn't speak to him for 5 days afterwards because I was so hurt. Once we finally made up, we didn't talk about it. We never did and we still haven't to this day. "You're not smiling in that mugshot though.. why?" Hannah asked while pointing to that one. Whenever we were arrested for having sex on the docks, I smiled in my mugshot because I really wasn't that worried about it and despite being arrested, I was in a great mood. However after the other one, I was fucking devastated. Not because of being arrested but because of what Monty did. Seeing him flirt with that girl in front of me, make out with her in front of me, and even start fingering her in front of me since we were all alone in the hot tub, and then choose to take her upstairs instead of me, and then it turned out another bitch was in there getting fucked by him too and I thought that it was all a revenge set up.. it really did a number on me. In that mugshot, my eyes are watery, there's mascara running down my face, my hair was in a messy bun from me throwing it up as soon as I saw the girl walking down the stairs, I only had a tight lip smile on, and I had a busted lip, a black eye, and a little bit of blood under my nose. Montgomery didn't look as happy in that one either. He actually looked.. sad just like me. The tension still hadn't left my body and I could see Monty awkwardly shifting around in his seat next to me. "Did we ask about something we shouldn't have?" "I don't wanna fucking talk about it." I mumbled in response to Chloe right away before grabbing my stuff and walking off. I didn't want to be around anyone right now because suddenly, all of those hurt feelings came flooding back. I knew that it was probably because of my hormones and the fact that Monty and I had never hashed that situation out amongst us. "Dude, what happened?" I heard Scott ask Montgomery and I could hear him explaining the situation to everyone behind me but I kept going. "Oh fuck. That's when she broke up with you and wouldn't have anything to do with you. That's when it was." I heard Justin say in realization before I rounded the corner. I sat in the bathroom alone silently crying until I heard the bell ring. I decided that I needed to do the right thing, so I packed up my stuff and begrudgingly left the bathroom. My life never seems to work out  the way I want it to.. even whenever I start trying to make the best out of it.

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