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"You need to get the fuck out now!" Justin screamed at Scott while gently pushing me behind him. Scott had already screamed and yelled and called me every name in the book and broken half of the stuff in my room in a fit of rage. I told him everything and it didn't go good at all. His reaction was nothing like I was expecting. I didn't know Scott had it in him to get angry like this.. I don't think anyone did. Justin over heard and came running in here because he was worried about my safety at this point. Shit, I am too. "Fuck you, Foley! You have no room to say a God damn word to me because you knew the whole time and didn't fucking tell me!" Scott screamed back at Justin before he smacked my lamp off of my bed side table, causing it to break and me to jump. "Of course I didn't tell you! It's my fucking family and my best friend! You thought I would pick you over them?" Justin yelled back. "A decent person wouldn't have let that shit go on.." "Then I guess I'm not a decent person, mother fucker!" Justin interrupted Scott. I had never seen Justin this mad before either. "None of you are! The two of them are fucking whores and you and Jess are guilty by God damn association!" Scott yelled so loud, it physically hurt my ears. "They're not fucking whores! You don't know fucking shit.." "I know enough! I know that she spread her legs to him fucking day one! I know that it's been going on for a whole fucking year! I know that he's actually been staying over here with her the whole time, not you! I know that the four of you act like some sweet, happy little fucking family! You're all fucking done! All four of you are over!" Scott screamed at the top of his lungs, veins popping out of his neck from rage. "Why don't you go approach Monty with this same energy, asshole? Let's see who's fucking done then!" Justin screamed and he was clenching his fists at his sides. He wants to hit Scott but he's trying to control himself. "Oh, you just wait and fucking see what I'm gonna do to that sorry fucking piece of shit!" Scott screamed even louder. "I'd like to see you try." Justin laughed, which just enraged Scott more and he started destroying my room again. "Get the fuck out!" Jessica's voice caught us all off guard. She's not supposed to be here tonight. I guess whenever I texted her last minute what I was planning on doing, she rushed over here in case I needed her. "You need to leave right now before you get yourself into some shit that you don't wanna get into, Scott!" She yelled while coming into my room and standing in front of me protectively as well. I knew that she was referring to the fact that Montgomery will beat the shit out of him once he finds out what he did if he continues acting this way. "Good! I fucking hope he tries to come at me!" Scott screamed at Jessica now. Is he so deranged right now he genuinely believes he can take Montgomery in a fight? "Then go rage at him and get the fuck away from her!" Justin screamed while motioning towards me. "I'll rage at them both! I'll rage at all four of you fucking sacks of shit!" Scott yelled back. "You better keep this same energy in the next about.. 2 minutes." Jessica smirked and I looked at her curiously but Justin smirked back at her and chuckled. "Shut the fuck up, bitch.." "You're not gonna speak to her that way! She has nothing to fucking do with this!" I interrupted Scott, angry now myself for him calling Jess a bitch. "I suggest you change your fucking tone with me, slut! You have no fucking room to say a God damn word to me! You're the biggest fucking piece of trash I've ever met in my life! I can't believe I ever fell for your bullshit and thought you were anything but a nasty fucking skank.." "Yo, Scotty!" Montgomery's angry voice interrupted Scott from downstairs. That's when I realized what Jessica was talking about. She must've texted him at some point, letting him know what was going on. "Mother fucker!" Scott screamed louder than I've ever heard another person scream in my life and the rage behind the scream was insane. He spun around quickly and took off running and he ran down the staircase so fast, he was practically jumping over two steps at a time. "Our whole house is about to be fucked." Justin said as the three of us ran into the hallways and stood over the railing to watch. Montgomery didn't even have time to say a word to Scott before he hit him as hard as he could right in the face, causing Monty's face to spin to the side. It didn't seem to phase him though and he just spit out the blood before turning to Scott. "You need to fucking chill out, man. This isn't you.." Monty was cut off by Scott hitting him again and then he swung again with the other hand. "I could fucking kill you, asshole!" Scott yelled while tackling Montgomery down, causing them to land on our glass coffee table in the living room and it shattered underneath them. "Holy shit." Jess gasped out in shock. Scott hit him a couple more times and I was getting tired of watching Montgomery let him do this to him. "Why the fuck isn't he fighting back?" "Guilt." Justin and Jessica said one after another. "You picked a stupid fucking slut, over me!" Scott screamed while hitting Monty again. "Here we go." Justin grinned while rubbing his hands together. We knew that if Scott continued talking about me like that, Montgomery's eventually gonna start fighting back and it's not gonna be pretty for Scott. "That fucking bitch shouldn't have fucking mattered more to you than me!" Scott screamed a second later while hitting Montgomery again. Suddenly, Monty was fighting back. He flipped them over so fast, we barely even saw it coming, and then he just started pummeling Scott with the hardest hits I had ever seen him use before. "Calm. The. Fuck. Down." He yelled in between punches. "Fuck you!" Scott yelled while desperately trying to fight back but he couldn't. "No, Scott! Fuck you! You don't even actually fucking give a shit! I do!" Monty screamed back. I knew that he was referring to the fact that Scott doesn't give two shits about me at the end of the day but he loves me. "No you don't.." "Yes the fuck I do!" They screamed back and forth. Scott stopped fighting back out of nowhere and because Scott stopped, so did Monty. They stared at each other for a minute and it was the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life. "Are they like.. communicating with their eyes or something?" Jessica asked in a confused whisper. "Because just like me, Scott thought Monty wasn't capable of loving someone. That just changed everything." Justin explained and both Jess and I nodded in understanding. "You're all still fucking done. I hope you're all happy." Scott growled before he pushed Montgomery off of him, stood up, gave us a look that could kill, and then he stormed out of the house. Once he slammed the door behind him as hard as he could, we all stared at the now empty doorway for a minute until Monty looked up at us and threw his hands up in the air. "You just go rogue now, huh?" He asked me, referring to the fact that I did this on my own without even at least giving him warning. Suddenly, I put my face in my hands and started to sob. I was finally letting all the emotions out that I had been holding in since Scott snapped. "I fucked up. I didn't think he was gonna act like that." I sobbed into my hands, causing both Justin and Jessica to immediately start comforting me. "I'm so sorry, guys. I just fucked all of us." I cried. A second later, I heard Monty's footsteps coming up the stairs and then once Justin and Jess moved out of the way, he wrapped me up in his arms. "I was just trying to do the right thing and I'm tired of living in hiding. I had no fucking idea he was gonna do any of that." I sobbed into Montgomery's chest while squeezing him tight. "I don't think any of us predicted that, cuz." Justin tried to comfort me. "He threw shit at me and he called me all kinds of names. I.. I wouldn't have done this if I had known.." "Babe, no one thought Scott of all people would respond like that. It's not your fault." Monty tried to comfort me next. "He said he's gonna end all of us. I'm so sorry.." "I don't know about the two of them, girl, but on my end.. I don't give two shits if Scott Reed tries to end me." Jessica spoke up this time. "Me either." "He can get fucked for all I care." Justin and Montgomery said next. I softly chuckled into Monty's chest and then I pulled back with a small smile while sniffling. "Thank you, guys. Hopefully he'll calm down soon and it won't be too bad." I whispered and they all nodded before they each hugged me. We picked up the mess in the living room and then my room and then Justin and Jess left Montgomery and I alone in my room. He thought we were just going to bed but I had to finish my plans for the night. I sat down next to him on the edge of my bed and grabbed his hand before speaking. "Baby, I.. I need to talk to you about something.."

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