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Third Person POV

**A lot of stuff is going to come out in this chapter. This was the plan all along and it's finally to that point, so I hope ya'll enjoy the twist!**

The Night of The Fight -

All of the guys' hauled Scott inside of the pool house as the girls' got everything ready to clean his wounds. "Why did he have to be the one to take the hits?" Meredith asked everyone irritated while kneeling down next to Scott and dabbing his face with a warm wet washcloth. "Because it was going to hit Monty harder emotionally for it to be him." Hannah explained for what felt like the hundredth time. They kept having to explain to Meredith why it had to be Scott that got into a fight with Montgomery. "I honestly didn't think he was going to have this in him right now. I knew he would probably win regardless but I didn't think that he was going to be able to do this. I'm sorry, Scotty." Bryce apologized but Scott waved him off. "It's alright. I knew what I was getting myself into whenever I accepted the challenge." Scott chuckled through mumbles, his lips too messed up for him to properly speak. He didn't really want to speak anyways though, his heart was hurting from all of this.

While everyone else picked up the mess in the pool house and tended to Scott, Jessica sat in the corner while silently crying and staring into space. She just lost the love of her life, her very best friend, and another one of her best friends. She just lost Addilyn because of that too. She feels like she just lost her family. She knows this is what has to be done to keep everyone safe but she can barely take it. "Jess, you mind helping?" Sherri asked while trying to hand Jessica a broom to help her sweep up the broken glass. Jessica didn't respond, move, or even glance in Sherri's direction. "Jessica." Sherri tried again but still, no response. "Leave her be. She's lost the most." Alex said and Sherri sighed before walking off. "This isn't fair." Jessica whispered through tears, no one heard her at first. "This isn't fucking fair!" She screamed, having an outburst as she jumped up and faced all of them with tears streaming down her face and her hands balled up into fists.

Everyone jumped and turned towards her. "It's the only way.." "I just lost fucking everything! Everything! The guy that I'm in love with, my fucking best friend who was like my sister, someone who was like a brother to me, and my niece! I lost my family! I lost my safe space! I just fucking lost.." Jessica drifted off as she dropped to her knees sobbing. It wasn't just the fact that she lost them, it was also the circumstances behind it all, worrying about their safety, and the hurt and betrayal that she knows they feel right now.. even if the truth isn't what they think. "It's not fair." Jessica said again through sobs. Hannah and Sherri both went over and began comforting her but shortly after, they began to cry too. Everyone else watched on sadly.

Scott couldn't take it anymore and the sob that he had been holding in forced itself out of him. Everyone turned in his direction as he began crying himself. "Fuck, man." He cried. Meredith tried to comfort him but it was hard whenever she was crying now herself too. "I just had to fight my best friend. I just had to say fucked up shit to him. I just had to yell at Raelynn and say shitty stuff to her to piss him off more. This is fucking bullshit." Scott cried while angrily wiping his face, not even caring about hurting his injuries. All of the usual group of friends' was crying at this point. It all sucked and hurt and Jessica was right.. it wasn't fair. It sucked even more that all of this had to happen as the three of them were going through such a hard time too. It just made it even worse.

"I'm so sorry, guys'. I really wish there was another way." Anna said sympathetically. "But why can't there be?" Meredith sniffled while wiping her eyes. "This is the only way to keep them safe. If Jessica is right, then they're going to run off to their house in New York.." "They will. Raelynn is going to run from this and just like the last time everyone had turned against her, her first thought is going to be to run off there. Trust me." Jessica interrupted Cassie in a whisper. "And that's the best thing for everyone right now. The rules were clear. Make their life a living hell and if any of us don't or tell them what's really going on, we're all fucking dead, including the three of them. Andrew, his dad, and their little fucking minions never said that we had to make sure they stay here. This is how we all get out of this." Diego said. "Fucking meth Seth, man." Zach muttered under his breath with a shake of his head.

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