Chapter 1

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Monday. Day that we all hate because there is no worse thing than going to work or school or anywhere early in the morning. Getting out of bed seems like unpossible mission.

This morning Katsuki hated the most. He woke up in a fucking uncomfortable plane little too early. He is in that plane for three days already and he is more than happy to finnaly get out of it.

When Katsuki finnaly came to his destination he happily ran out of the plane begging for some fresh air, normal food and healthy water. In plane was horrible. He was surrounded by strangers and seats were uncomfortable. It were hard like a rock he thought.

He had a hard feelings that plane was just a begging of hell, according to where he is going. His hometown. Seems nice and great, place where he was born, his family, his friends... But it isn't like that.

Katsuki hates his hometown. Its place where his dreams were crushed and his hopes died. Its a big city surrounded by sea. The company there was playing on motto:"Kill or be killed.". People are shamless and greedy. He hated that combination.

He lived with his parents in poor part of town. It was a small street called:"Golden way.". Avarage and poor people live there. Some are lucky and have a house, some have a tent, and some live on the street. Not a nice view if you are rich, right? That's why people with money would avoid that street and people living there. It just wasn't good enough for their taste.

Street is dirty and full of small rocks all over the street. Its dusty and full of strange liquids. It's like being completely other world because rest of the city was pretty and colored in many colors.

On the begging of the street you see couple of small houses. It were all white and dusty from the outside. When you go deeper in the Street, you see smaller houses and tents. Everything was white because white color is two times cheaper than any other. If your house is white, it means you are poor. That's why richer people always colored their house in different colours and never white. That's why the rest of the city looks like a fucking rainbow.

Going deeper in the street you would see some tents and people without homes. Sick. Poor. Dirty. Thirsty. Hungry. Hopeless. Unlike the rest of the city where people cover them self's in gold and money isn't a issue.

In street you can find one cheap market, one bakery, one small cheap school, one shop where you can buy clothes and one dusty ambulance. In street lives around 200 people, and school, shop, market, ambulance, bakery, everything was on the end of the street. So it could be completely isolated from the rest of the city.

To get to his hometown Katsuki ordered a taxi. Because he doesn't have driving licence. He sat in taxi and taxi drove him through airport, Tokyo, Kawasaki, Yokohama, many other big cities, mountains and lowlands. The ride lasted for 5 hours until he finnaly arrived on his city.

City was isolated from whole Japan. More like in the Nowhereland. City was isolated with mountains and lowlands. That's way people outside the city calls it: "City covered with nature gifts and golden colours.".

The explanation of the idiom would be that mountains and lowlands are nature gifts because Japan appreciate the everytjing they got from mother nature. Golden colours would be their colored houses full of coins and money.

What Katsuki hated the most is that people outside the city never noticed the real problem of the city. Like it's filled with greed or The Golden Way. They just didn't care enough to be bothered with that. The saddest part is that even people in the city didn't care at all.

When Katsuki finnaly arrived to his hometown he was little disappointed to see that things didn't change much. Same old people, same old problems, same old shitty colours.... Not even after seven years, everything stayed the same.

He walked slowly around the city. He felt uncomfortable because of looks and stares he got. Alphas couldn't resist not looking at him. He looks gorgeous.

Katsuki is omega. Gorgeous one to be more specific. His deep crimson red eyes, deeper than blood and darker than apple, could easily make you lost in them.

His ash blonde hair, which made completely contrast of his eyes, is lighter than lemon and it shines brighter than sun. On first look his hair looks spiky but its softer than cotton.

His body was well shaped too. His chest are bigger than other male omegas. His waist is so small you can touch your fingers when you grab him. He is thin but his legs look like he is a fucking model. His skin is light and soft. Even his face is piece of art.

There was no wonders why alphas look at him. Even few betas couldn't believe in the beauty that stands in front of them. But to Katsuki it was like nightmare. He feels uncomfortable when people are staring at him. And he feels like a target.

The thing that comfort him is that no one knows who he is. Of course no one knew who he is. He grew up in the Golden Way street and he barely went outside of it. He needed to walk 5 miles every day to school because he lived on the begging of the street while school and everything public was on the end of the street.

But then no one actually cares who he is. He was just one more dusty bitch with no money in the Golden Way street which everyone avoid.

When he finnaly arrived to his house people staring at him were confused as hell. His house was third in the street Golden Way.

"How something so gorgeous can go there?" they all thought. But Katsuki never cared what they think because they never cared whet he needed when he was a poor child begging for food and water while they got cars at age of twelfe.

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